
Perfect summertime brunch now offered at Charlotte Patisserie
We can all agree that Greenpoint majorly delivers on the foodie front – with one exception – lunch. The biggest complaint I get (and I get ALOT of complaints) is that there aren’t a TON of lunch spots to chose from. We Greenpointers want choices! Well, guess who just rolled out not only a new lunch menu, but also dinner AND brunch service, that also includes wine? Charlotte Patisserie on Manhattan Ave. And don’t forget their incredible outdoor space and the infinite array of drool-worthy desserts!

Charlotte Patisserie's Mango Cake Actually Taste as Delicious as it Looks!
Not only has Charlotte Patisserie expanded its offerings for your tastebuds, the pastry shop now turned full service cafe has spread its wings and taken over the storefront next door. Behind the scenes the kitchen has grown, plus there is a new cozy and bright seating area in the back of the café. And yes there is wifi for all you laptop-aholics, too. On a warm summer afternoon, don’t miss out on their peaceful backyard, perfect for some alone time or a quiet meeting with friends or colleagues.

Let’s talk about the new food options, which is friendly for both vegetarians and meat eaters alike.

For lunch you can keep it simple and light with a Nicoise Salad bathed in a tarragon vinaigrette ($10), or you can chose from a variety of sandwiches, like Turkey ($7), Pastrami ($7.50), Mozarella Basil & Tomato ($6) or Hummus with caramelized onions, avocado and red peppers ($6.50). Keep it French with a Croque Monsieur($9) or Merguez with Ratatouille ($13).

For dinner try Duck Liver Parfait ($9), Fried Brussels Sprouts ($9) or Lentil Croquettes ($8). And it’s worth mentioning again, Charlotte Patisserie is now serving wine.

What is a weekend without brunch? This is where the heavenly Asparagus with nougat, shell poached egg and caviar comes in ($9), a variety of omelets like shiitake or swiss chard (starting at $5), Vegetarian Croque Monsier with Roasted Cauliflower purée ($9) or Crepes Suzette ($9).

Sorry If We're Making You Hungry; This Chocolate Cake Doesn't Help!
And these are just some of the food option Charlotte Patisserie is now serving, along with incredible pastries and desserts. Open until 10pm every night, even if you’re just in the mood for a glass of red wine and a divine piece of Chocolate Cake (AKA Heaven) – Charlotte Patisserie will keep you satisfied.

Try their new menu and let us know what you think!

Charlotte Patisserie
596 Manhattan Ave (bet. Nassau Ave & Driggs Ave)

Monday to Friday – 7am-10pm
Saturday – 8am-10pm
Sunday – 9am-10pm

Sponsored post courtesy of Charlotte Patisserie.

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