L Train Illustration via @brooklyncartoons Instagram
Illustration via Emmett Truxes, @brooklyncartoons,

In a move that seems like it can’t come soon enough, the MTA has announced that it will start increasing L train service starting next June.

Beginning in June 2017, to accommodate the increased rider trends, the L line will have:

  • 11 additional weekday roundtrips between 9am – 7:30pm.
  • 12 additional Saturday roundtrips between 7am – 3pm.
  • 27 additional Sunday roundtrips between 7am – 8pm.

During these hours, L train service is currently running at more than 100% capacity (or “peak load point”) guidelines. The additional trains should help bump capacity down below 100%. Why it took the MTA this long to increase service on the ever-crowded L train is perhaps one of the great unsolved mysteries of North Brooklyn.

Starting in July, weekday L service will increase further to offset repairs to the M line, which is happening in preparation for the L train shutdown in 2019.

Local Assemblyman Joe Lentol has this to say:

“The L train is the lifeblood of many of my constituents. While more and more residents of North Brooklyn are able to walk to work, the majority still commute to Manhattan for work, which is why increases in weekday service are sorely needed. Similarly, many of my constituents and Manhattanites utilize the L train on the weekends to visit bars, restaurants and retail stores. It is clear that these increases will positively effect a large number of riders. These service increases will not only reduce headway times they will also reduce the number of riders per car allowing for a more comfortable commute. It is clear that these increases speak to the population explosion in North Brooklyn. It is essential that transportation capacity increases amongst all modes and lines. I applaud the MTA on this service increase, but I urge them to continually monitor the G train because, as a frequent rider, I know that the ride can often be rather uncomfortable.”

Shoutout to Joe Lentol for giving a shoutout to the G train! Let’s hope the MTA can act in a more timely fashion when it needs to react to increased ridership on the G than it has on the L.

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  1. I agree with his point on the G train. In the morning in particular, it has become very difficult to get onto the train. They are packed! I know the MTA doesn’t have any equipment to spare to add trains, but things are getting really crazy in the mornings!

  2. The MTA has been saying for years, since Sandy, that the tunnels are too damaged for increased service. I live right next to the L train and work on the LES and can not imagine how us tens of thousands of riders are going to get to work in the city using the G, JMZ or cabs? I mean has any MTA official actually stood at the G or L platforms during a morning rush! Whether it local state or Presidential, its always just politics and greed as usual.

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