Did you feel the mini-earthquake the other day? Don’t worry, it was just our beloved Greenpointers’ writer Joann Kim of UpDownAcross paying us a visit. After living diagonally across from Winthrop Park, she had the nerve to move to Lower East Side. But she is back and bought me dinner like a good friend.

I had been craving big Polish food and nearby the Northside Bakery, Division of Old Poland Foods LLC serves order-as-you-go hearty Polish meals. I discovered the exquisiteness of their glass display and all the home cooked goodness inside when I was desperate for chicken soup.

First, perfectly seasoned chicken broth to which they add noodles, fresh parsley and carrots. And then the pierogis happened.

We went big for $16:

Joann got a gigantic roasted chicken leg, pierogis, boiled beets. I got a gigantic cabbage stuffed with chopped pork and beef, roasted red potatoes, boiled beets and red cabbage slaw.

Dessert for 2 was a cheese stuffed crepe from Polish heaven.

I grabbed the beers from the Standard. The bakery doesn’t serve alcoholic beverages. We ate everything right out of the take-out containers on my kitchen counter, but you can sit and enjoy your meal cafeteria style with an elevated view of the happenings on Nassau Ave.

190 Nassau

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