First, thanks for making Greenpoint awesome! Adopting this website has been one of the most fulfilling and demanding projects ever. And we did it! The new website is up and it’s pretty sweet and all I want to do is have a night of fun and celebration with everyone! Come eat tacos, meet the contributors, get your photo taken in the special “green screen” Greenpoint attractions photo booth, drink Mexican beer, win prizes and enjoy the music brought to you by the one and only Cowboy Mark!

Cinco De Mayo Launch Party
May 5, 2012 @ 9pm
Greenpoint Heights
278 Nassau Ave

RSVP on Facebook

If you love the new website and want to chip in for the new website fund, a donation in any amount is greatly appreciated! Any donation over $10 is automatically entered to win a prize during the launch party – and you don’t have to be there to win – but you should!

Either way – just come – hang – and have a great night!

(Yes, that is a skeleton riding the exhaust of a spaceship.)

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