As we mentioned last month, the regular CB1 meetings are a great opportunity to support our local community (or at least know what the hell’s going on around here) from the comfort of your own couch—so make some popcorn, throw back a few beers and throw on the livestream. Between committed neighborhood busy-bodies, awkward and often inane comments from the peanut gallery, and Dealice Fuller’s formidable facial expressions, the CB1 meetings are thoroughly entertaining. You can watch last night’s meeting (11/14) in full, here on YouTube. The agenda can be viewed as a PDF here. The next CB1 meeting will be held on December 5th at the Swingin’ 60s Senior Center (211 Ainslie Street) at 6pm, and will also be livestreamed via Thirteen.
Here are the highlights:
- Neighbors are concerned that the crowds from Painting Lounge (309 Roebling Street) could be a boon for “drug peddling and mayhem,” and that perhaps applying for a liquor license is a clever way for the humble-seeming business to disguise its true motive of actually operating as a bar. Others brought up that there are already two liquor stores nearby, and, citing prohibition, questioned whether the community is being too harsh: “Is this 2017 or is this 1917?” And:“Am I in some lala land where this quiet little place where women come and paint is the thing that’s gonna wreck a whole community?” A motion was passed to recommend denial on the lounge’s application for a beer and wine license.
- The question was brought up and not resolved… Should CB1 be recommending name changes to businesses with potentially offensive names? Xixa (241 S 4th St) is Yiddish for a non-Jewish woman, Traif (229 S 4th St) refers to non-Kosher food, and now there’s Greenpoint newcomer Ramen Mafia (opening at 208 Franklin Street).
- Residents of Cooper Park Houses are protesting a 250-unit affordable and market rate housing development that could potentially go up right in their parking lot, blocking sunlight and diminishing quality of life.
- Much time was spent discussing how to remove inactive board members who have missed more than five meetings. Steps are being taken to be able to displace the slackers.
- Objectification vs objection.
- Workout spot The Bar Method (97 N 10th St) was seeking permission to legalize the operation of a Physical Culture Establishment—which means they want to put in showers.
- Heads up: the L train shutdown replacement buses are proposed to be diesel buses, which could potentially bring more pollution to the neighborhood.
- Dealice Fuller called out Rabbi Niederman for being “very disruptive tonight,” amidst laughter.
We reported that at the last meeting, some folks from a new LGBT-friendly spot turned up, and their bar would potentially go in the old Manhattan Inn location (632 Manhattan Ave). Five days ago, the bar was posted on Craigslist, so it seems time will tell what we’ll have going into the beloved space.
The most important topic affecting the community was regarding the issue of CB1’s autonomy regarding removal of its own members – in this case, for non-attendance. Its bylaws state that it can, though the Borough President wants to retain control – although he has not acted in a year because he is afraid of being sued. How could you have omitted that discussion entirely? Priorities, please.
We did mention that discussion: “Much time was spent discussing how to remove inactive board members who have missed more than five meetings. Steps are being taken to be able to displace the slackers.”
Thank you for adding the clarification for those who are interested.
Xixa is a Mexican restaurant that has nothing to do with the word Shiska, people offended by calling a pork restaurant the Yiddish word for non-kosher are crazy, and I don’t really understand whether Ramen Mafia is supposed to offend Italians or the Japanese.