There’s been a whole lot of comings and goings amongst Greenpoint’s bars and restaurants recently. Here’s a round-up of a few changes that are on our radar…
Brooklyn Barge Bar (3 Milton Street) – This novelty floating bar has been a long time in the making and it’s looking like they’ll miss the boat with the summer crowd if they don’t get things going soon. Time Out are throwing a ‘first look’ party ($25 for unlimited beer and oysters) on the barge on August 26th, so it’s quite likely that this will be their opening night. Let’s hope they don’t have to cancel like they did with their 4th July celebrations. But, if they do, at least it means that Transmitter Park will stay a haven of tranquillity for a little longer.
Brooklyn Label (180 Franklin Street) – A sign in the window of this popular brunch spot says ‘closed for renovation’, along with a request to renew their sidewalk liquor license. However, it’s just been confirmed by the owners that the business is actually being sold and will be re-opening as something different in due course.
Coco 68 / Hook & Cleaver/ Barrachos (68 Greenpoint Avenue) – After a disappointingly short run as Coco 68, this space played host to a couple of disastrous pop-ups spearheaded by TV chef Diane Dimeo. Now it sits empty and the restaurant is up for grabs once again. Let’s hope the next team makes more of a go of it.

Dar 525 (168 Driggs Avenue) Williamsburg’s popular and affordable Middle Eastern/Mediterranean joint is opening a second restaurant on Driggs, housed in the former site of Bread for the Eater. No work has yet taken place to transform the interior so it’s going to be a good couple of months before the new restaurant is up and running.
Lomzynianka (646 Manhattan Avenue)- This kitschy Polish favorite has been shuttered for months now under the guise of ‘renovations’. We’ve tried to get in touch with the owners but have had no reply, so we’re really hoping it’s coming back. Where else can we eat pierogi under fairy lights and taxidermy stag heads?

Naked Dog (47 Java Street) – Originally planned to open last January but delayed by legalities, this restaurant is finally set to open later this month. Naked Dog will serve organic ‘urban rustic food ‘ made with seasonal ingredients sourced from local purveyors.
Ovenly (31 Greenpoint Avenue) – Greenpoint’s bakeshop darlings are opening a Manhattan outlet at Urban Space Vanderbilt, just north of Grand Central, due to open later this month. Nice to know we can soon get an Ovenly fix whenever we need to soothe the pain of Midtown.
Red Star Bar (37 Greenpoint Avenue) – Greenpoint’s all-star sports bar was billed as being closed for renovations for the month of June. Now, in August, the shutters are still firmly closed and a little bird tells us it may be reopening as a 24-hour diner. Stay tuned!

Sweetleaf Coffee (159 Freeman Street) – Founded in Long Island City in 2008, Sweetleaf has since taken its coffee brand to Williamsburg and now, of course, Greenpoint. The Freeman street outpost has a roastery in the back and cafe space in the front. Softly opening this week, the official grand opening is next Monday. Full write-up coming soon!
Sweet Fox Cafe (142 Nassau Avenue) – This friendly French cafe is sadly closing soon, after less than a year. Their delightful buttery croissants will be missed. Adieu Sweet Fox.
Know any other hot tips? Let us know!
It has been a disappointing summer.
I’m a bit excited about Red Star reopening as a 24 hour diner, simply because having people around may discourage the jags that like to dump trash, smash bottles and let their dogs poo everywhere on West St. I am looking forward to the Barge Bar for the same reason and think the impact on Transmitter Park is being overstated. B&T bros and woo-hoo! girls are not going to bypass Williamsburg and navigate the G to drink on a barge in Greenpoint.
BK label was mediocre but an empty space isn’t helping anyone; disappointing. I’ll believe Naked Dog is opening when I see them open. Losing Hook and Clover is addition by subtraction but the space is cursed. I really doubt Lomynznianka is reopening but with all due respect to my neighbors, I don’t care a whit for Polish food. There is also the restaurant opening on the corner of Kent and Frankin, I think next month.
Overall the dining situation is underwhelming and until some of these places are replaced it has gotten worse.
The Barge Bar is a disgrace to allow to open in front of a park – fortunately it will probably go under reasonably soon (if they ever manage to open at all). I seriously wonder about the insurance costs associated with such an operation, nevermind maintenance on a rusted out barge.
Brooklyn Label was lousy but it has a great location – with any luck a better operation will take over the same space quicklyand just improve the menu/crowd There’s no need for a million dollar reno there.
Red Star as a 24-hour is good news – the area lacks a decent one and that location requires a reason to hoof it down there. Also, fuck shitty tv-lined sports bars.
Naked Dog has a great location but the shitty stool and use of “urban rustic” in description is not a good omen. With any luck this concept can break-in the space and then be taken over by a proper dark little bar with no tv’s which is what is most appropriate and needed.
And polish food is fine and often excellent – it shouldn’t matter if you like it or not. There are a hundred places to eat in the area and 50 of them are worse than the lousiest polish spot. If you want Greenpoint to continue to be a nice place to live you should support the Polish community that is responsible.
You seem to suggest I should eat Polish food if I like it or not. Sorry, I don’t like Polish food and I’m under no obligation to eat it.
and yet 664 wine and dine still stands as a testament to, uh….font..choices?
Sadly, the Mark Bar is permanently closing as well–I just got confirmation from the construction workers. RIP Greenpoint dives.
Lomzynianka is closed. The restaurant actually had a cat that they just left in our back yard when they finally wrapped it up.
Apparently Cafe Edna & Boulevard are closing as well.. any news on that?
Don’t forget Transmitter Park was suppose to extend southward according to the infamous rezone.
oh yeah, the Parks Dept’s website says Transmitter is the acreage it is suppose to become and various ERs also overstate its acreage as well.