
human@ease_good-food-bad-foodGive me 8 weeks of your life….and you’ll overcome cravings, excessive hunger and compulsive emotional eating – while also gaining strategies that you can follow for life!

Whether you’re looking to detox your body, gain energy, lose weight or just create better habits around food, our Clean Slate B.E.S.T Detox will get you to recognize and break harmful habits that have been keeping you from reaching optimum health. 

We’re already weeks into 2015 and if you’re still struggling with obstacles around your diet, health or fitness resolutions, or haven’t been able to find the right strategies and structure to even start a new diet, this is exactly the time for you to take your commitments to a whole new level!

We have expanded our services to include online fitness and nutritional consulting and created an effective 8 week detox/cleanse and food plan that will change the way you think about food. You’ll develop and incorporate life-long healthy eating habits in a way you’ve never imagined possible, all while enjoying the process.

I feel great, focused and so energized. And in a better mood.” -Robin D

Whether you’re looking to lose weight or create life-long habits around your food, this program will get you to:

  • Lead a Healthier, Happier and more Productive Life
  • Recognize and overcome emotional attachment to harmful foods
  • Regain and tap into your inherent Energy and Strength
  • Powerfully train your mind to overcome food addictions
  • Acquire Lifetime tools and techniques for a younger and more vital You!

Our intention is NOT to just put you “on a diet”, but to re-condition you on how to think about food, as well as your behaviors around food and diet failures. You’ll gain a greater understanding on how your body reacts to certain foods. Plus you’ll get expert nutritional advice, a structured meal plan, recommendations and most importantly, you’ll gain the motivation and momentum you need to stick to your commitments.

“Ever since starting B.E.S.T. cleanse program, I’ve never felt better in my life. I haven’t had a stomach ache or pains due to food for months now. I don’t think I’ll ever go back to eating the way I use to. I’ve also happened to lose 10 lbs just from eating organic and clean. Pretty amazing!” -Eva R.

What you’ll get:

  • UltraShake Handcrafted Raw Superfoods shakes
  • An 8 week structured food plan sent to you in carefully planned phases
  • Unlimited email support and monitoring
  • A supportive online community
  • Weekly check-ins & Nutritional coaching
  • Strategies and structures you can use for life!

If you find yourself even slightly curious, I encourage you to take action now so that you can finally have power and control around your health and body. Remember you only get one!

This program is normally $495 for 8 weeks but we are offering it for 50% OFF to the First 20 people who sign up for the next program, which starts on March 22nd.

That’s only $247.50 for 8 short life changing weeks.

human@ease_Clean-Slate-plainIf you or someone you know is ready to commit to Finally Gain the Confidence and Knowledge that Will Change Your Eating Behaviors for Good, space is limited so hurry up and Register!  

Contact Dy directly for more information at (718) 388-2900

Sponsored Post courtesy of Human@Ease

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