Punk Rope's Tim Haft

You may know Tim Haft from Punk Rope at the Greenpoint YMCA or early morning butt kickings at BeastaneticsĀ in McGolrick Park. Now Greenpoint’s favorite fitness guru is a competitor on a web based reality show call Fit or Flop. Will he be “American’s Next Fitness Star”? You decide!

With just one week to go in the voting you can help Tim get to the next
round. (You can actually vote for him once everyĀ 24 hours thru 3/31.)

Tim was invited to audition on the show and he “reluctantly” agreed. When he showed up he was given only 2 minutes to showcase his fitness talent in front of the judges. He invited 8 people onto the stage and jump roped up a storm to the theme of Batman. Unsurprisingly he made the cut and has been blowing the judges away! He’s got a real chance at internet superstar status – but viewer voting counts!

If you know Tim, you know he is a modest not-the-center-of-attention type of guy, so he isn’t doing this for personal fame and glory but rather to show people how awesome getting into shape through jump roping is. I asked Tim why he wants the entire world to jump rope:

The reason that I want the world to jump rope is that it’s a fun alternative low impact cardio vascular modality with endless variety for the individuals or groups. It helps develop cardio, agility, strength, speed and power and the tool – a jump rope – only costs $8. How can you not jump rope?Ā 

Did you know your first three visits to the YMCA are free? Which means you can try Punk Rope for free (3 times) or catch one of the monthly “Punk Rope Happy Hours Rock Trivia” themed nights at Cafe Capri. The next one is April 2, 2014!

Tim is already a winner in our eyes. Help him show the rest of the world how great jump roping is. Follow these directions to vote by March 31, 2014:

1) VisitĀ http://www.fitorflop.com/register/Ā and register (if you
haven’t already)

2) Next select “CONTESTANTS” from the main navigation bar

3) Next select “Tim Haft” under the list of contestants

4) Then click the “fit” icon and your vote for me will be processed.

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