Twinkle Playspace has reopened with new health protocols.
Category: Kids
Greenpoint Art, Sports, French, and more Summer Camps Open for Registration
Make those summer plans!
Swing Into Spring at Greenpoint’s Best Playgrounds
Pick the best playground for your kid with our Greenpoint guide.
Hundreds of Students in North Brooklyn Cannot Access Remote Learning
“It’s a false narrative to say that kids aren’t learning anything this year. Kids are learning a lot about the world around them. They are learning about how messed up our leadership is.”
The William Vale Now Offers Rooftop “Glice” Skating
Rockefeller Center this ain’t, and that has its pros and cons. To start with the pros, your odds of catching COVID at The William Vale — which is now offering […]
Building Blocks of Greenpoint Offers Safe Childcare For Working Parents
Building Blocks of Greenpoint is a brand new childcare facility that recently opened in the heart of Greenpoint. Located on 44 Kent St, Building Blocks offers childcare services to children […]
North Brooklyn School Supplies Drive Accepting Donations
A back to school drive is collecting supplies in North Brooklyn to support students in need ahead of the start of the school year, which is has been moved to […]
Fall Registration Open for Eckford Street Studio’s After-School Art Programs
Registration is now open for in-person and virtual Art After School and Art After Lunch programs at Eckford Street Studio (70 Eckford St.) in Greenpoint, which begin September 14th and […]
Petition Alleging Racism at Williamsburg’s PS 132 Divides Parents
The experience of El-Melek Moore’s two children at Williamsburg’s PS 132 is a tale of two realities. Moore’s daughter, a Black child and one of the best readers in her […]
Petition Calls For Williamsburg’s PS 132 to “Dismantle Institutionalized Racism”
An online petition circulated by local parents that calls for PS 132 (320 Manhattan Ave.) to “dismantle institutionalized racism” has gained over 3,000 signatures. The petition urges the Williamsburg school, […]