Greenpoint’s newest bar, The Mallard Drake (43 Franklin St.), will officially open its doors on Friday, February 17.
As Greenpointers previously reported, Tony Petillo, the owner of Greenpoint staple Brooklyn Safehouse (120 Franklin St.), is opening his new watering hole in the location that previously housed The Diamond.

The Mallard Drake will serve as a “cheap beer and shot joint” according to Petillo, with low-key vibes similar to Safehouse. The bar will feature free pool downstairs all night, a fun photo booth, and a classic arcade game station. Petillo told Greenpointers that The Diamond was one of his favorite Greenpoint bars and he’ll try his best to do it justice.

The Mallard Drake was originally slated to open in spring 2022, but New York City inspections are notoriously unpredictable. Petillo told Greenpointers that he had to wait longer than expected for the liquor license to come through, but it finally happened, and he is now very excited that The Mallard Drake is ready to welcome guests.
Locals may have already visited the space over the past few months to check out Back Alley Bread’s pop-up where owners Autumn Moultrie and Brian Villanueva sold their mouthwatering baked goods in the mornings while Petillo tied up loose ends. The partnership began when Moultrie read the Greenpointers article about The Mallard Drake and reached out to Petillo about renting the bar’s kitchen. “He agreed to give us the kitchen portion if we took over building it out,” explained Moultrie. Moultrie and Villanueva did so and then used it to bake their delicious creations.
While The Mallard Drake has a kitchen, Petillo has not lined up a chef yet to take over the bar’s food program, so only drinks are available for now, with food to come in the future.

The Mallard Drake will officially open its doors on Friday at 4:00 p.m., and the night will include a “bunch of swag giveaways” according to Petillo. The party will really get going at 7 p.m. with free draft beer until 10 p.m.
A local art show will officially start at 7 p.m., also. Beautiful and unique artwork from artistic Brooklyn locals is already gracing the walls of the watering hole, ready for the spotlight. Featured artists include Chris Smith (@subtexture_works), Mark Albright (@selfindulgence20), Monte Antrim (@monteantrim), Carri Skoczek (@carriskoczek), Sharilyn Neidhardt (@SharilynNeidhardt), and Christine Coco Murray (@aperfectbag).

Opening night festivities will also include the Brooklyn Ironers’ Union’s James Hook, an ironing enthusiast who actually gets joy out of taming wrinkled apparel. “Bring your wrinkled clothes to be ironed for free,” said Petillo, not at all joking. Hook has been seen ironing strangers’ unsightly garments at Petillo’s other bar, Safehouse.
Grand opening celebrations will not end on Friday. On Saturday and Sunday, from 2-8 p.m., The Mallard Drake will host a Make Your Own Bloody Mary Bar, complete with a full salad station, according to Petillo, who also noted that the bar’s backyard will be open both days.
fuck this bar. The bartenders are terrible and racist and homophobic.
alcoholic bartender who steals customers money and threatens them