After a successful event in February, the Angel Babies Project, an initiative spearheaded by North Brooklyn Angels that provides baby supplies to local families, is ramping up for another event on Thursday, June 2nd.
“We’re excited to host another giveaway and need volunteers,” said Kendra Chiu of the North Brooklyn Angel organization.
Chiu explained that during the February event, the team was “overwhelmed, in the best possible way, by the sheer amount of donated items from our North Brooklyn neighbors.”

The Angel Babies Project is asking for volunteers tomorrow, Saturday May 28th 10:30 AM – 2:30 PM, to help sort donations in a private storage facility in an unused co-working space at 314 Scholes Street.
Volunteers are also needed for sorting and prepping on Tuesday, May 31st and Wednesday, June 1st during the day at Most Holy Trinity Church’s gymnasium at 138 Montrose Avenue.
The Angel Babies Project is also looking for drivers with cars that can pick up donation items to drop off at the gym at the Most Holy Trinity Church on Monday, May 30th, Tuesday, May 31st, and Wednesday, June 1st.
Volunteers are also needed on the day of the event, June 2nd. Chiu said, “The success of February’s giveaway event was made possible by volunteers.” So, If you’re available between 9 AM and 4 PM, sign up to help or reach out.
All of these shifts will be posted on the DEED mobile app. You can either sign up there or email [email protected]. Note that the Angel Babies Project requires all volunteers to be vaccinated against Covid and masked.

If you are unable to volunteer, consider donating items at one of the local donations sites. The Angel Babies Project recently updated a Google Map of public donation collection sites. Find it here.