 A weight loss journey can be a difficult one, especially when you have YOU to deal with. Throughout life, a lot of us have been conditioned to develop a pretty poor relationship with food; along with many limiting beliefs about the power we have to change things. And just like any relationship that is like a turbulent rollercoaster, it typically ends up in a downward spiral. Here are some common reasons that could be worth looking at before you decide to get off your ride.

1. You have a fat phobia

Fats have been demonized for far too long and although they are making a break from the past, many people are still stuck on the notion that fats are evil. Fat free and fake alternative products are still being mass marketed and consumers just like you rack up your shelves and fridges with overly processed items that claim to be better for you; when in fact, these products are usually packed with added sugars and fillers that can end up only making you hungrier or craving more of the same foods.

Stay away from products that say “lite” or fat free such as most yogurts, cereals, snacks and cheeses. You’ll also want to steer clear of fake alternatives such as margarines, spreads, and other butter substitutes; as well as refined oils such as soybean, canola and vegetable oils. Instead, opt for real foods like grass fed butter, raw or grass fed cheeses, oatmeal, whole Greek yogurts, olive, flax and coconut oils. Try limiting your carbohydrate intake to about 40% of your daily calories so that you can make room for healthier fats.

2. You think you’ll be depriving yourself

You might assume that making the needed adjustments for weight loss will only deprive you of foods and social activities that you enjoy. But let’s be real and look at what you’ll actually be depriving yourself of if you don’t make these changes. How about the benefits of a healthy and fit body; increased energy; motivation and confidence and of course looking and feeling super sexy! Weight loss does not have to be about deprivation but more about eating quality foods and having the right mental attitude about it.

Simply try shifting negative feelings and language. You don’t want to start out with an attitude that you’re being deprived in anyway. Avoid language such as, “I wish I could eat this or that”, “I’m so hungry”, or telling friends “oh you’re so lucky you can have this or that”. Remember that you are CHOOSING this because you are committed to your health and well-being; no one is forcing you and that’s friggin’ awesome. But then to add in negative language, feelings, and behaviors; you’d only be creating a dis-empowering context and you’ll set yourself up for failure. So start to think about and come up with empowering language that will keep you on track to what you’re committed to.

3. You keep making yourself wrong

This is one of the biggest limitations that we place on ourselves. We promise ourselves that we’ll eat well, go to the gym, drink less, etc., yet sometimes we break those promises and our reaction is to justify it with negative limiting beliefs; “I’m not good enough”, I’m too lazy”, “I’ll start tomorrow”, “something must be wrong with me”. This behavior usually results in self-sabotaging or just throwing in the towel.

It’s true you will have peaks and valleys in your new diet and exercise plan. But remember that ‘starting over’ is the essence of being successful at living healthy. You’re not perfect, so guess what; you will at times NOT do what you said you would do. Whenever there is a setback, just simply get back on track. The good news is your commitment still exists even though you broke an agreement. Stick to your plan by considering it a life journey, not just a test of your willpower.

4. Yup, you have an addiction

To put it to you simple, food addiction is being addicted to junk food in the same way as drug addicts are addicted to drugs. It involves the same areas in the brain and even some of the symptoms are identical. I know it may sound harsh to compare you to a drug addict but processed foods have a powerful effect on the reward centers in the brain. The good news is that just acknowledging you have an addiction and that nothing is wrong with your willpower, can help you overcome these strong and sudden urges.

So start by identifying what your trigger foods are and when your urges to have these foods are at their highest. Then create a mental and verbal strategy to deal with these urges as they arise. One of the best ways to identify your trigger foods and urges is to keep track with a food diary. This may seem tedious, but it could make the difference for you. Meditation has also been shown to be affective for many eating disorders. Starting a meditation practice can improve mindfulness around the behaviors and urges you have towards food. Start by downloading an app and try practicing just 5 minutes per day.

5. You’re not being honest with yourself

This may feel confronting, but it’s also empowering to realize that you can take full responsibility for your success. Ask yourself some questions: Am I drinking water every day? Can I improve my eating? Am I sabotaging my weight loss goals with binge eating and drinking on the weekends and adding empty calories to my diet? Do I get enough quality sleep every night? Am I truly eating non-processed foods? Am I exercising 2 to 3 times per week? Am I physically active every day with walking, exercise or sports? And the most important… Am I being consistent?

If you’re truly honest with yourself, then you’ll recognize what actions you need to take that can really make the difference. Remember, you’re trying to get good at this “whole well-being and looking smokin’ hot” thing, so just like anything you want to get good at, it will require some effort on your part. Be honest with yourself!

These steps are just the beginning of your journey to well-being, and it’s a good place to start. Although, getting outside support can be what really makes the difference for you. Our next 12 week Intense B.E.S.T Bootcamp starts on July 18th! We’ll take your health to the next level with accountability, structure, personal training, coaching and a full nutritional makeover. You’ll overcome obstacles to poor eating habits, lack of exercise, your emotions and much more. Most importantly, you’ll discover new things about yourself and learn strategies that you can apply for life all in a supportive group setting!

Whether you’re looking to detox your body, gain energy, lose weight, tone up or create healthier habits around food and exercise, our B.E.S.T. Plan will provide you with support and breakthrough coaching to those obstacles that have been keeping you from reaching optimum health.

Check out Elyse’ testimonial from her experiences of the B.E.S.T. Plan

“The B.E.S.T. program at Human@ease has helped transform my body and mind. The combination of group strength training, group fitness classes, group coaching, and sauna sessions helped me reach incredible results in just 12 weeks. I’ve lost 13 pounds and 5% body fat. More importantly, I have gained strength, confidence, and the tools to take care of my body and mind for the rest of my life. Even though my 12-week program is over, I am continuing the B.E.S.T. program to help me reach my long-term fitness goals. Thank you to the entire team at Human@ease for helping me change my life!” -E Wilson

humanease_63015_2There are 6 spots left for the July 18th Group B.E.S.T. Program at Human@Ease. Make the commitment to create a new empowered you.

What is the B.E.S.T. Program? B.E.S.T. is an acronym for the desired state of individual wellness: Balance, Energy, Strength and Tranquility. The B.E.S.T. Program requires a 12-week commitment and is an all-inclusive holistic fitness, detox, and weight loss program. It is specifically designed to deal with past conditioning and emotional obstacles related to food, as well as educate participants on proper diet and exercise; everything from dietary health to mental health is covered.

(Sponsored post courtesy of Human@ease)

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