Beastanetics, the high-intensity interval training program, which has
become the darling of McCarren Park during the warmer months, will
return to human@ease (31 Nassau Avenue bet Guernsey & Dobbin) this
winter with classes taking place on Wed & Fri at 6:45am and 8am.
Beastanetics can help you improve your stamina, strength, power,
balance, and overall conditioning, while boosting metabolism and fat
loss. On Yelp, Beastanetics has a perfect average rating of 5 stars.

Session 1 runs from 12/3-1/23 and Session II from 1/28 to 3/20. Space
is very limited so don’t delay. The fee for the 8-week session (16
classes) is $160. A limited number of drop-in slots will be available
at $17 per class. human@ease is a beautifully appointed fitness studio
in Greenpoint.

For more information visit beastanetics.com or email tim@beastanetics.com.

To register: http://punkrope.com/store/beastanetics/12-3-14/

Sponsored post courtesy of Beastanetics.

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