A sign was defaced in McGolrick Park last Friday.

A sign in McGolrick Park was vandalized by a man who wrote out a racist conspiracy theory last Friday, as hate crimes against Asians in NYC soar since the start of the coronavirus crisis.

The man, who is described by a tipster as an “older guy with wispy gray hair, wearing a beanie with a blue mask,” was spotted writing a coronavirus conspiracy theory on a social distancing sign in McGolrick Park last Friday afternoon. His screed, complete with misspellings, roughly reads (warning offensive language):  “CHINESE BASTARDS STARDED [sic] THis AND CNN + OTHER LIBERAL BROADCASTS COVER FOR THEM!…BECAUSE THEY HATE TRUMP THEY WOULD LET US DIE! THEY ShOULD ROT in hell!!!”

The sign that was vandalized in McGolrick Park last Friday.

The incident in McGolrick park comes as hate crimes against Asians skyrocket across the city and the NYC Commission on Human Rights introduces a team to counter coronavirus-related discrimination and harassment.

Chair of the commission, Carmelyn Malalis, released a statement on Sunday describing the new initiative:

“In order to best serve New Yorkers during these uncertain times, we have created a dedicated COVID-19 Response Team. Our team of Law Enforcement Bureau and Community Relations Bureau staff are synchronizing their efforts to track and respond to these reports quickly, intervening immediately where possible, and filing cases where necessary. All New Yorkers are facing extraordinary levels of stress right now.”

Officially known as the COVID-19 Response Team, a press release cites the need to address a massive jump in reports of discrimination against Asians “the agency has recorded 248 reports of harassment and discrimination related to COVID-19, over 40%(105) of which identify incidents of anti-Asian harassment or discrimination.”

For comparison, there were five reports of discrimination against Asians during the same time period in 2019.

All hate graffiti such as the defaced sign in McGolrick Park should be reported to 311.

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  1. Saw the McG park comment. This is not the true Greenpoint. We care for each other if you are Polish, German, Irish or of Martin descent. People here help each other. An example of the worst but overwhelmed by the best our Greenpoint neighbors are showing.

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