Lifelong Williamsburg resident and landlord to hundreds of tenants, Mario Salerno announced on Monday that he will waive April’s rent for all of his residential and commercial tenants.

Salerno who is 59-years-old was born on Metropolitan Avenue and his father started a gas station at 451 Lorimer St. in 1959, which his family still operates as Salerno Auto Body Shop.
Over the years Salerno acquired a series of buildings primarily in Williamsburg and estimates that he has approximately 200 tenants in 80 apartments: “I had a lot of people telling me they don’t know how they will pay next month’s rent,” he said.

Salerno grew concerned that his tenants would not be able to afford necessities on top of their monthly rent as all non-essential businesses in New York have shutdown to slow the coronavirus pandemic leading to a boom in unemployment.
“I’m really not concerned about the rent right now, I’m concerned about peoples’ health. Not only are we up against an epidemic, these poor people have no jobs and they’re worried about getting sick. I didn’t think it was much on a person like me, who god was good to, to help them all out,” he said.
On Monday, a letter was posted in the entrance of Salerno’s buildings with the announcement that April’s rent will be waived for all tenants: : “Due to the recent pandemic of coronavirus COVID-19 affecting all of us, please note I am waiving rent for the month of April 2020,” the letter states.

“They’re all very appreciative. I told them ‘make sure you help your neighbor,'” Salerno said.
Asked if he’s taking extra precautions at his buildings because of the virus, he said his team is vigilant with cleaning and sterilization.
“Me, as a landlord, I make sure I clean the buildings daily, I send my men there every night and we make sure we clean and sterilize for everyone’s safety.”
Salerno owns residential buildings on Maujer and Lorimer Streets, but said the offer extends to his commercial tenants such as the owner of a hair salon on Metropolitan Avenue which notified Salerno that the business might have to close for good due to the sustained drop in revenue.
Other tenants who didn’t lose their jobs offered to pay April’s rent as usual, and in some instances even offered to cover their out-of-work roommates’ rent.
Salerno said that he hopes everyone in NYC will work together where they can to get past the pandemic.
“If everyone could stay home, take care each other; whoever is fortunate to work, please try to help the person who can’t put food on the table.”
God bless Mario and his family -he is always there to lend a helping hand and more!
Mario salerno is such an amazing person I take my car to his shop very honest man and respectful.. thanks u..
God Bless you
Nice job mario
Having had the pleasure of doing business with back in the days ….it doesn’t surprise me you would do that with your tenents…I always got a kick speaking to your dad and how he looked up to his boy. God bless you
I commend what you are doing for your tenants. Anyone that knows you and your family should not be surprised by your kindness… God Bless and stay safe!
Mario has always been a community person, he is a staple of the corner of Lorimer and Maujer, you rock Mario, Sal must be looking down at you with a smile. You rock
This is what NYC is about-helping others when it matters and even when it doesn’t. It should be what America is about but too many are concerned about themselves and no one else. Mr. Salerno is a truly decent individual.
Outstanding human being!
This man is amazing, he has always helped anyone when needed, including me. I was a single mother with a broken down car. Mario towed me and fixed my car over and over again. All he asked was that you go to church and say a prayer as payment. There are hundreds of these stories.
God Bless you Mario.
Mario you are an amazing man always was god bless you wish you was my landlord
Blees you.
Wow! I’m so proud of Mario! I know him my whole life. We belonged to the same church and went to the same Catholic School. He’s a guy who’s worked hard, as did his Father, and now his son. They’ve always been honest, fair and respectful. Additionally, Mario went to mass a Immacculate Conception Church (a.k.a. St. Mary’s) every single Sunday! For all I know, he might have even gone on weekdays, as well. I’m so proud of him for allowing his heart to supersede his wallet! God bless you, Mario! I know your Dad is smiling down on you!
Mario, God bless your heart and soul, when this over, we will do a party for you
Mario is a great compassionate giving person. He has always helped people and I have known Mario since we were kids. We have been there for each other and I am always Grateful to him. There should be more people in the world like Mario! The world would be a better place!
He is just one of a kind. His sons also are very nice just like their father.
I’ve gone to Salerno’s for years to get my NYS Inspection done and they are always so friendly, nice and respectful. They also saved my friend and I when we got a flat tire VERY late at night and would have been stuck in the street if they weren’t there to help. This guy is a GOOD man, with a heart of gold.
That’s amazing!! Mario always looked out for us especially the neighborhood kids( I was one of them from Anchor Auto Parts “Tee’s Daughter”) He even helped alot if us get off the streets. He always cares! I’m pretty proud of Mario and his family they all go take care of Family and thy neighbors. God bless you Mario and family !!!
Love Always The Acosta Family
Your a fucking great guy and I get my gas from you. The lady with the yellow motorcycle. Bless your soul. We need more people like you in this world.
Great . I pumped the gas there a lot. The cheapest price all the time
God bless you Mario !
Mario is a great man i know him for many years took my car to him to fix or do inspection etc. I havent gone back 2 him for over a year cause i no longer have a car but ill will always trust him He is the greatest mechanic i kno and can trust God Bless Him Always
This is un-heard off, God bless you Mario!
You will get it back 10X over.
That is a really decent human being.
This is so kind it shows what a great person he is. My landlord last month told me I had to move because he is selling my apartment this devastated me. I have been in my building 25 years and this is home to me.he is giving everyone 3 months to get out. I can not afford to buy my apartment. And was not asked.if you need an extension after three months he is charging an extra $250 per month. Reading this made me so happy for his tenants.may god bless you for your act of kindness.
God we’ll reward you. And God Bless you.
I Used to live in Williamsburg on Humboldt Street and grand st.
Miss the old neighborhood
There should be more Landior like you I was a customer of yours a long time ago you’re a good man God bless you
I wish there were more landlords with the heart this man has. God bless you always and your tenants are so blessed to have you as their landlord.
A good deed from a very decent person obviously.
What a great family .
Mario used to be my landlord and he is the BEST. All landlords should be like him.
Why now thts a good ❤ really theres not alot of landlords out there like you,GBY n stay safe n thk god for persons like you.
Salerno use to take care of my car when I was in my 20’s hes always been fair so it does not surprise me. He has a great heart. God bless him always.
God will continue to bless you, that was a beautiful gesture on your part.
Great job… A real Hero, thanks…!
A great feel good story. For those who say New Yorkers are nasty people. There are many with good hearts. Well done Mario. From a someone born and raised in Williamsburg .
God Bless you and all your friends, family , neighbors and your team for all your dedication and continued support.
Thank you always, stay safe and sound
Tina Messina
You were always known as a kind Honest Gentleman!
My dad would tell my mom I’ll bring it to Salerno to get fixed
God Bless You for Your Kindness!
Danny’s daughter
GOD BLESS Mr.Salerno
As a Salerno myself, this makes me proud! Thank you Mario. Thank you for being so kind and generous. I don’t believe we are related, but you know, if you are Sicilian and a Salerno, in Italia that pretty much makes us famiglia. (btw my grandparents were Giuseppe and Maria Salerno from Marineo, PA and Giuseppe’s brother was Francis)
He the best and most kindest person I have ever known. He sent the right example to everyone struggling through there demanding times. I’m glad he is settling the bar for all. Everybody can do something to help a fellow New Yorker
A REAL Christian – what a wonderful thing to see when so many are so scared of how they will survive – you are a saint Mr. Salerno, and I wish for you every good thing there is on this planet ! God Bless you !
Thank God for Mr. Salerno!!!!
Sooooo nice to hear some nice news….
Love from Canada
Hi Mario
Wonderful what you’re doing. I’ve heard you’re a great guy and this proves to be true.
Jane D’Agate
God bless you fellow Brooklynite. God is smiling on you. I was born on N.8th St. And my father had a barbershop on Lorimer and Metropolitan. Uou are one superior human being.
It is heartwarming to read and share this story, especially out here in Cslifornia where rents are choking and landlords wouldn’t think of taking such a selfless step. Thank you sir! I love Brooklyn… just can’t afford the rents lol.
A big Bravo to Mr. Salerno and a big Big hug and kiss to you. I was born in 1959 and have never meet a landlord with such big loving kind heart !!
I wish you could be my landlord right now lol May your heart be bless with joy and happiness !!
God bless you.
He is a great HUMAN BEING. There should be more like him. GOD BLESS HIM.
God is surely going to reward his good deeds! Bless Him!
This man has a wonderful attitude for his fellow man. May God bless him.
That guy is a class act, This unselfess shows a person with a great heart and will be rewarded 100 times over for this act of kindness. If not in this world then definatly in the next. GOD BLESS YOU MARIO
Mr. Salerno, you are a true hero! You will be blessed for this. If only there were more people like you!
Mario you did an awesome thing God bless you
Absolutely Incredible Human Being!
Mario, you’re the man, God Bless
What an act of kindness , never underestimate New Yorkers, I suggest we all stop by that gas Staion & make a donation to this man , he still has bills to pay too
I want to thank Mr. Salerno for his generosity toward his tenants. I saw a report on the national news, allll the way over herein Minnesota, which highlighted his position on this situation we all find us in. We truly are all in this together and Mr. Salerno has set the bar for all of us. God bless you ()
I’m in Buffalo NY and just saw this story on NBC Nightly News. One word: inspiring! Such commendable actions by Mario and his tenants. For him to extend that gift to all 200 tenants is just remarkable and for tenants fortunate to get a paycheck through this pandemic offering to still pay their rent …and their neighbor’s…is impressive. The “pay it forward” mentality of Americans is inspiring and gives us all hope. Well done Mario and God Bless you for your generous and thoughtfulness.
I was born in Williamsburg but spent my professional life as an assistant principal at Intermediate School 49 on Graham Ave. Thanks to great citizens like Mario Salerno the Greenpoint-Williamsburg community has always been a great place to work and live. Thanks for setting the example and stay safe. People’s health and lives come before economics.
That was so kind! God bless you abundantly for your gracious actions
I was born and raised in Williamsburg, and this is how we were raised, to help each other when times are bad. Mr Salerno, God will bless you.
You and your family stay safe.
Sir Mario,
God bless you.
I would expect nothing different from Mario. The Man is and always was a gentleman.
God Bless you for your kindness and unselfishness.
I’m a Salerno as well (maiden name) but no relation that I know of
Again, God Bless you
Mario is a great guy, made friends with him in 1989.
May The Lord continue to bless you for your kindness in this time of calamity in Jesus Christ name.
Growing up…You were always so nice to me.
Always had that smile. Helping out your tenants is wonderful…l’m sure they’re greatful too!
Stay safe…May God Bless Us All….
Sincerely, Carolyn
Hi Mario it’s me hito from maujer st looking good my brother. Good thing you’re doing nice to see you doing ok.
Mario, I heard about this from my niece, Heather Ferrari who used to live near you in Williamsburg. She and my nephew Anthony just love you! They remember how kind you were to them when they had car problems. You are my hero! What a great thing to do for your tenants! With all of us losing our jobs and worrying about getting sick, you are a bright light in this time of darkness! Stay safe and healthy, prayers for you and your family! Love, Susan DiGiorgio and family
Even when there is no major crisis Mario and his family are always helping people in the community. He has a heart of gold. He is a hard-working person who I am so privileged to know and call friend so I am not surprised that he has again set an example we all should follow. Helping those around us and sharing the blessings we know are from above. That’s a real person of faith. God bless you and your family Mario!
May God Bless you and your Family, stay safe and Health. AMEEN *Malikah *
This is the best of NYC. So proud.
This is what we need, citizen with a good heart. God bless you and I pray God will continue to bless you more in the days to come. Be safe.
If Mr. Salerno wants/needs good tenants, we’ll be looking to move next spring, and would love a good landlord for a change! Mr. Salerno, please let us know if you have any nice 2 bedrooms available for a small family (us and our baby boy). Thank you!!!
I can be reached at: [email protected]
This is a wonderful story about a good person. Bless you Mario!
This guy is a true hero. I hope he gets recognized. Heart of gold.
This message is for Mario Salerno: I was moved by your empathy, awareness and timely act of kindness. I am the co-founder and CEO of a new company called EppoPay which helps landlords collect rent and tenants pay their rent bills – the modern, fully electronic system gives tenants a way to smooth out their rent payments using an app on the phone. We would be honored to partner with you as one of our early landlords. The system is designed to make it easier for the landlord and for the tenant and ultimately to create a better relationship – something you seem to care about. Let me know if you want to meet. – Leslie H
Wow you are a great man Mr. Salerno.Other landlords should learn from you! God bless you and your family! Be safe.
GOD BLESS THIS MAN !!! If only we had a president who was this generous. No Matter, this man is very special and a God send to his tenants.
❤️❤️ Thank you/Gracias ,Mario #Goodman
Good job Mario,the world needs more good people like you.Stay safe and WASH YOUR HANDS!!!!
People like this impact the world during a hard time. He has my prayers. Sympathy toward the less fortunate keeps this world a little lighter and better place. Thank you
What a amazing man and thing to do!!! God bless you Mario!!!
What an awesome man. Thanks for having a huge heart
A real human!!!. God bless you, and all like you, Mario Salerno.
Mr. Salerno you’re a good man. Then again, being of Italian ancestry it’s not surprising – ti vogliamo bene.
I’ve been seeing Mario around since I first moved to Williamsburg in 2002. He has a big personality and his service station is always hopping. He has a good reputation around the neighborhood. So I am not surprised to see he is acting so selflessly in this situation. He is a real New Yorker, the kind that makes this city great.
What an amazing act of Christian kindness. This had to cost him $750,000 – $1,000,000
I am not from NY ,in fact I’m from Nebraska, but I think Mr. Salerno deserves a worldwide THANK YOU for what he is doing.
Awwww, what an angel this man is. The Bible says to love your neighbor as yourself and that is exactly what he is doing by helping his people. God will provide you with many blessings, Mr. Salerno. Thank you for you generosity. God bless you and your family.
Sher in San Diego, CA
Absolutely the most amazing landlord I have ever heard of. This guy should get a medal.
Mr. Salerno, the world needs more people like you. You have a big heart. The world is hurting and you have done a great service for humanity. I live in Vancouver, BC but if I lived in Williamsburg, I would certainly get my car fixed at your auto shop. I encourage all residents of Williamsburg and the surrounding area to bring their cars to you for repairs in the future and any other businesses that you own.
May God bless you and your family. Stay safe!
Mr. Salerno. Check out this article about Federal assistance for landlords. Kushner company stands to benefit from freeze on federal mortgage payments. It was posted on MSN from Politico.
Mario Salerno is the exemplary kind of American I am proud of.
Not charging rent for a month is going to dramatically reduce stress for some of your residents. This was very decent and kind of you to do this. You are a good person and we need more people like you. Stay safe
Congratulations MrSalerno for rising to the needs of your renters. You are a great human being. May you and your family continue to be blessed.
Elizabeth Vansevicius
A true prince at a crisis point of our country.
God bless you Mario Salerno, I love you.
I pray that you and your family stay healthy and whole, mind, body, and spirit.
Now this is a hero – Didn’t need the Government. Could afford it.
I’m so impressed
Tell him to start a GoFundMe for his tenants that we can all help him support
@Mario Salerno: Good karma and blessings
Dear Mario Salerno: I have never responded to an online story of any kind, but I was compelled to do so. Last Friday my landlord gave me a notice, too. However, it was a rent increase notice, yes, a rent increase. I have no words to express my feelings. I was born and raised in Manhattan and now live in San Francisco. You are compassionate, honorable, kind and gloriously considerate. Please take good care of yourself and wash your hands!
what a great man! he is so concerned about his fellow humans. he reponds quickly to his tenants’ needs and is concerned that they have food.
God bless you, Mario! This article brought tears to my eyes – such unbelievable generosity and kindness. You are incredible…God bless!
grabbing the bull by the horns, hoping others will follow your lead.
Mario Salerno, you make me proud to be an American.You knew what was truly important, what needed to be done and you stepped up to the plate and made it happen. The world needs more people like you.
Please pass this to Mr. Salerno.
you are a godsend and a truly decent human being.
Thank you,
Harry O’Harrow
Austin Tx
Mr. Salerno
Sir you truly are another one of America’s Hero!
I wish more landlords could/would be this compassionate.
I live in Charlotte, NC, and after reading this beautiful story (that brought tears to my eyes), I knew I had to write a small Thank You note.
I trust God at His word;
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
You gave to those in need.
I know without a doubt God will do abundantly, above and beyond all that you could ask for or think.” He says he is going to go past the reach of our greatest prayers. Then beyond all we could think or envision! THIS IS MY PRAYER FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.
God Bless
The SALERNO name has come full circle, especially in NYC. As I am also a Salerno but living in Little Egg Harbor, NJ, have learned over the years about Salernos in the news. The first I recall was a fairly famous NYC detective with the Salerno surname (good). Then i learned about a Mofioso, Fat Tony Salerno, who was a doninste figure for while in the city (bad). Now I find a Salerno who as a landlord of many rental properties has been able to put “people before profits”….Mario Salerno (good). There have been many talented Salernos over the years, in the arts, music and sports. I AM PROUD TO BE A SALERNO. Wishing all well during this horrible pandemic.
Thank you, Sal. You Did The Right Thing!
Bless you!
I never had the honor of meeting this great man.I hope he sees this Comment.Mario, you`re everything an American should aspire to.You`re industrious, considerate and kind.You`ll be remembered in Heaven…and you`ll be remembered on Earth .Bless you sir.
Mario Salerno should receive a “New York Noble Peace Prize For Humanity”. My hat’s off to him and when ever he is in Philly, his Cheese Steaks and wine are on me.
God Bless Salerno !
You’re so great human, I hope my daughter live under your apartment, she’s live in Brooklyn near where stadium is , I worry for her, all her roommates went home, I beg her to go or I come pick up she denied and choice to stay there , I been asked her go home since I saw the news said Covid 19 exposure in New Rochelle NY as the mother always worryAnd getting worse right in NYC
Lindo su gesto sr Dios lo colme de bendiciones, y siga así ayudando a los demás el ser solidario lo hace q sea un ser agradable ….lluvia de bendiciones
That’s a good landlord god bless this men and his family Italian people are very good people god bless you brother
Mario Salerno is an American hero!
Mario was my mechanic in the 90’s. Both he and his father were transparent and sincere. Being a woman, it was important for me to find a mechanic who I did not feel vulnerable to being taken advantage of. He’s just being Mario helping his tenants out with waving April’s rent. His father, Sal would be proud of him! I glad to see he’s doing well and helping New Yorkers!!
Mr. Salerno:
You are a good and considerate man first, a landlord second. I hope other landlords in NYC, and around the country, follow your lead.
Whether people want to acknowledge it or not, we are all in this together.
Mario, you are indeed an Angel. Thank you for caring about your Tenants. You are a role model for all Landlords around the world.
This story touched my heart.
Blessings from Marilyn in Australia
Wow!! Mario is a true hero!! An angel and a life saver for many people!!
God Bless Mario Salerno
Wish my landlord was doing the same.
It’s so good to read of your generosity.!!!
Thank you from
Coral Gables, Fl
God Bless him. Though I was born on Long Island, my parents are from Greenpoint, and my dad was a mailman there for over 30 years. Salerno did a wonderful thing, as many people are not able to pay their rent – which is a major stress point. We have enough stress right now – God Bless you Mr. Salerno.
May god look down and keep Mr. Salerno and his gamily safe. Mr
Salerno is a man that we should all try to follow as an example. Please know, Mr. Salerno many people will be able to eat, and feed their children, due to your beautiful offer. The absolute best of what America can be if we all think of others at this time.
I would like to thank Mario Salerno for being a highly decent human being during this time of crisis. I don’t want to call the gas station as I imagine they are overwhelmed with calls now. Is there an email address that you could share with me so I could write my appreciation. At a time when our national leadership is so self-centered and corrupt, acts like Salernos stand out in highly favourable contrast and make me and others appreciate them all the more. Cheers, Suzanne Amenta
Mario is a true New Yorker and a role model for us all.
Thank you Mario see you when I get gas.
WOW…. what a great gesture by this guy! THANKS for your kindness… wish i lived a bit closer so i could patronise your service shop and buy gas at your station for the rest of my natural life! KUDOS !
Super Mario, you are a great man!From Rome.I ❤️ NY#MarioSalernoPresident
Fabio Pompili
Kudos from Louisiana and a healthcare provider!
You are my hero! There should be more wonderful people in this world who care about others in their time of need.
You, sir, have restored my faith in mankind.
I don’t know you, but I love your generous heart!
Mario – angels abide and you are at the top of the list – you have earned your wings! NYC is so grateful for people like you who are truly caring and compassionate…..blessings on you and your family….
What a beautiful spirit and kind man. God Bless him. Proud of him and that he is Italian and a fellow Brooklynite!! God Bless him. Best, Victoria Canore
what a nice person. May God bless you.
Hombre de Dios!!! Que la bendición para Él y los suyos sobreabunde. Como Él hacen falta muchos!!! Mis respetos para usted Don Mario!!!
God Bless you. You are a kind and generous man.
Selfless Angels walking amongst us like you Mario, gives the rest of us hope that there are still good people out there. You not only show compassion towards other’s well being & understands we’re all going through this together but also represent a wonderful inspiration for others to follow. God bless your kindness & for making this world a better place for your community.♥️
Thank you for being an amazing man of God, and showing his true love through you. God bless you. Thanks for making this world a better place.
In these times of uncertainty , its people like YOU that allow fear of unknown subside, I am in Toronto, Canada your actions brought me comfort, we will all get thru this.
May God Bless you, Buona Pasqua !!!
what a lovely thing to do god bless from the uk
thank you Mario for bringing the name of italian american citizen so high , you honored us as a comunity .
grazie Mario per quello che hai fatto per tutti gli immigranti italiani in America .
The “Unsung Hero” of Williamsburg!
What A heartfelt man. Kind act of Godly Man.
Mr. Salerno, you’re a truly wonderful man who has a heart of gold. Doc
What a Great guy ! I own a Process Service Company called
YOU ARE SERVED and of course having more people like Mario puts less work in my hands when evictions are legal again.
However i would much prefer to see more landlords have a heart at this time and in the end the for me just like everyone else things will work out !!! You go Mario ! You are Loved !
I really appreciate your generosity very much. I hope that the CNN reporter and the California real estate lady who contacted me to interview and congratulate me have been able to locate you.
I have never met another Mario Salerno. Give me a call, I would love to chat with you. Mario
May you be blessed!
I’m moved beyond words.
Ummmm, is there a way I can become his tenant for the future? What a hero and all around great person.
Dear Mr. Salerno, may our Lord of Divine Mercy whose compassion we sought this last Sunday of Divine Mercy, bless your kind heart abundantly, together with every member of your family.
I’m not a tenant of Mario belding,but i just want to say THANK YOU to this amazing man, who is one of the not many people, care about his tenants
and understand difficult situations in the whole country. G-D BLESS YOU MARIO Alla O.
Love this guy, he is the best.
Mr. Mario Salerno,
I have not seen you since 1991… I did not you very well but you took me for a ride in your Corvette and The car where the doors fly open.
I grew up with Gil Hulsen…We had many a good times…
I had 2n stage stomach cancer in 2014…
3 months ago I had a Cat scan… My cancer is cured.
I have 2 identical twin daughter’s 5 years old…
They are my life my happiness and joy. I love them and they love Daddy….. I wanted to tell you how proud I was of you when you told your tenant s April’s rent is void.
I am a few classes away from my Masters Degree in Mental health.
Everything I do is for my Daughter’s…….as it should be.
I will stop by the gas station to say hello very soon.
I too have been blessed by Jesus my entire life.
I still workout and I am 57 going on 25
Life is a beautiful Journey.
Take Care Mario…
John Thomas Madigan
Semper Fidelis
Mario, I know you and your parents, May they Rest In Peace. I know fir over 30 years when your father was at the gas station showing you the trade. He did a good job by racing you with a golden heart and goodness. There is no word that could describe you, but say you the most incredible human being that God put into this world to help others always and in time of need. You have and have been doing my car repairs. I only fill my gas tank at your station for over 25 years and I am very proud and honored to have you as a friend. THE BEST TO THE BEST . No one cannot take it away. By the way. Your kids are great too and I love you all the same. May God Bless you always with Good Health for all you done and still doing. (Good Deeds. Julie )