There will be no L train service between Lorimer Street in Brooklyn and 8th Avenue in Manhattan 10:30 p.m. – 5 a.m., from April 15th to April 26th, according to the MTA.
April 15 – April 26
10:30 PM to 5 AM, Mon to FriNo L overnight
What’s the work? As part of the revised L project, we’re still moving forward with the long-term reliability improvement work we had originally planned. This includes installing signal equipment. For you this means that we’ll have the right signals ready to run the one-track operation in April. We’ll also take this time to prepare the tunnel for the rehabilitation work, delivering materials, pulling fiber optic cable and installing tunnel lights so we can work efficiently during the one track operation.
What should customers do? If you’re traveling between Brooklyn and Manhattan, you can take the A , F, or J. For Manhattan L stations, you can take the M14 bus. In Brooklyn, the L will still operate between Lorimer St and Canarsie-Rockaway Pkway. Free shuttle buses will loop between Lorimer St G/L, Bedford Av, Marcy Av J, and Hewes St J.
Here are the key transfer points to remember during this service change:
Broadway Junction for the A, J or L
Lorimer St/Metropolitan Av for the L, G or shuttle bus
Marcy Av for the J or shuttle bus
14 St-8 Av for the A, E or the M14
14 St -6 Av for the F or M14
Delancey-Essex Sts for the F, J or M14A
The G operates in two sections:Between Court Square and Bedford/Nostrand Avs
Between Bedford/Nostrand Avs and Hoyt/Schermerhorn, every 20 minutes.
The next MTA L train open house is Monday, Apr 8th, from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. at the 14th Street Y, (344 E 14th St.).