The end of the old Kosciusko Bridge. Via Brooklyn Paper
The end of the old Kosciuszko Bridge. Via Brooklyn Paper

So far this summer, New Yorkers have reacted to the demolition of the Old Kosciuszko Bridge in a variety of expressive ways. There were the illicit parties held on the Bridge ahead of the scheduled July demolition, and the group of urban vigilantes ready to defend the bridge from demise with wolves and swords.

The city itself decided on a more muted end to the 1939 span that crosses Newtown Creek, connecting Greenpoint to Maspeth, Queens, than these events, or even the Bridge’s namesake, Tadeusz Kościuszko, a Revolutionary hero in both Poland and the United States, might warrant. Instead of the scheduled July explosion, the main span of the bridge was lowered onto a barge in Newtown Creek.

But, anyone who was hoping the bridge would go out with a bang can get psyched. While the final demolition was supposed to take place September 24, the new demolition date is now This Sunday, October 1st at 8am.

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