The Pencil Factory / Pencil Works at 61 Greenpoint Ave, featuring 18 open studios and a group exhibition
The Pencil Factory / Pencil Works at 61 Greenpoint Avenue

If you’re looking for the most bang for your buck at this year’s Greenpoint Open Studios, you can rely on the studio-rich block of Greenpoint Avenue between Franklin and West. If you’re short on time or not up for a stroll around the neighborhood, head straight for The Pencil Factory at 61 Greenpoint Avenue.

61 Greenpoint Ave.
61 Greenpoint Ave.

Between the five floors of studios, 18 artists are participating in this year’s Open Studio, including Filiz Emma Soyak and Paul Richard.

Filiz emma Soyak "Manhattan Tengai I"
Filiz emma Soyak “Manhattan Tengai I”
Work by Paul Richard
Work by Paul Richard

And if that’s not enough, on the sixth floor at the office and coworking space Pencil Works, you’ll find a group exhibition of Greenpoint artists including John & Wendy.

John & Wendy, "Blue Kitties"
John & Wendy, “Blue Kitties”

If that is still not yet enough, two participating artists have studios on Franklin Avenue: Joshua Starcher (99 Franklin #3L) and Jeffery Anderson (139 Franklin, 1st floor).

Joshua Starcher, East River Blues 3
Joshua Starcher, East River Blues: Three
Sculptor Jeffrey Anderson in his studio at 139 Franklin St.
Sculptor Jeffrey Anderson in his studio at 139 Franklin St.

Lastly, I would be remiss to mention nearby GOS sponsors Alter and Cassette, the latter of which is hosting the wrap party on Sunday evening, 6-8pm.

Stop by one of the info hubs or RSVP here to stay in the loop!  See you in the streets!

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