Bryan Osburn. Untitled. Oil on canvas. 14 inches x 12 inches. 2012

A few weeks ago, painter Bryan Osburn was brutally attacked near his Greenpoint studio by a group of thugs who shattered his jaw and took his cell phone. Bryan has undergone extensive surgery to put his jaw back together and will need financial assistance as his body and mind heal.

106 Green has set up a fundraiser and the local artist community has rallied by donating artwork to help out one of their own. Donate, buy a raffle ticket, attend this Sunday’s event and show love the Greenpoint way! Here’s how you can help:

1) Donate here via Stripe in any amount.

2) Buy a raffle ticket. For $100, you can win a piece of art.

3) Donate an artwork. A small drawing, painting, print, doodle, etc. Ideally, work under 12 x 12”(ish)*

On Sunday, August 9, 106 Green (104 Green St) will be hosting a fundraiser from 4-7PM. The raffle will begin at 5PM. All names will be put into a box and drawn at random. When your name is called, you will be able to choose any artwork that is available and take it home!

*If donating artwork, please drop off to either Matt Fisher ([email protected]) or Holly Coulis ([email protected]) prior to the event, or bring to 106 Green on Saturday, August 8 any time from 1-5PM.

See 106 Green’s site for more details.

Benefit for Bryan Osburn
106 Green @ 104 Green Street, Brooklyn, NY 11222
Sunday, August 9 (4-7PM)

If you can’t donate, be sure to send Bryan some good healing vibes…

Shout out to 106 Green for organizing the fundraiser and the artists who have donated so far:

Meg Lipke
Patrick Brennan
Kanishka Raja
Ridley Howard
Matthew Fisher
Sheila Pepe
James Prez
Mitchell Wright
Gary Peterson
Sharona Eliassaf
Holly Coulis
Brian Alfred
Amanda Church
Jennifer Coates
Lane Twitchell
Jim Lee
Tracy Miller
Emily Noelle Lambert
Ryan Steadman

… and more (the list keeps growing every hour).

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