
Ok, let’s be real, Greenpoint. We all ate and drank ourselves into oblivion during the holidays and now that 2015 is here, it’s New Year Resolutions time! But as usual, they are going to be challenged. Hey, we all like to indulge as much as the next guy, but it wouldn’t hurt to start this year off on the right track and actually finish what we start. Easier said than done, right? Fortunately, owner and health coach Dy from Human@Ease has a program that guides people through the process of getting fit, focused and committed; as a result, it’s a lot less intimidating… and it works!
The program is called the B.E.S.T. Plan, which stands for Balance, Energy, Strength, Tranquility, requires a 12-week commitment and is an all-inclusive holistic fitness, detox, and weight-loss program. It is specifically designed to deal with past conditioning and emotional obstacles related to food, as well as educate participants on proper diet and exercise; everything from dietary health to life coaching is covered.
The pilot program wrapped last year and the guinea pigs above are looking pretty good, don’t you agree? Since then, Dy has successfully cycled through several new groups at her fitness and wellness studio, Human@Ease (31 Nassau Ave). With the next group cycle, which is set to begin January 18th, there is still space available for you to get in on the program. Talk about New Year’s resolutions, right? This one gets you to commit for 12 weeks, which is more than most.
“I can honestly say this is one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself,” said Mariah, a participant in the first wave of the B.E.S.T.ies “I’m not just back to feeling ‘fine’ again, I’m actually feeling better than I have in years. Besides being down in weight and feeling better about myself physically, my mental health has dramatically improved. I’ve radically changed my diet, and I’ve finally learned what foods make me feel good and what foods I need to avoid.”
Group work is very much a part of the program. Participants have a support system so that they don’t feel like they’re going through it alone.
“The success of the program was beyond what I imagined and the results were outstanding,” said Dy. “I am pleased to say that the B.E.S.T. Plan is one of the most effective and comprehensive weight-loss programs out there and it’s all because of the powerful conversations that take shape through one-on-one life-coaching.”
Each participant must be willing to complete the entire 12-week program with a “no excuses” attitude. Because the program is focused and personal, Dy necessitates the need for an interview and screening process to establish fitness level, goals, and level of commitment. Special consideration is given to higher-risk cases. The application deadline and deposits must be in by January 11, 2014.
Apply here or get more information and pricing.
Sponsored post courtesy of Human@Ease.