Do ya’ll love The Diamond Bar as much as Greenpointers does? Then come celebrate the bar’s Wooden Anniversary all weekend long! We will be there.

Check out this sweet t-shirt you can score. (Only adult sizes.)

We chatted with Diamond owner Dave Pollack:

GP: Why did you pick Greenpoint to open The Diamond?

Dave: We left nyc after living in eat village for many years to open this bar on the eastern shore of CT. We were going to be a big fish in a small pond. We both had history there. Changed our minds and move back to nyc. This time we settled in Greenpoint at Freeman St and Manhattan Ave. I worked at Spuyten Duyvil and was always captivated when my car service short cutted through Banker St to bring me home. Found the space then looked at a bunch of other spots and it turned out that the first place we looked at was the best!

GP: How has Greenpoint treated you in the last 5 years?

Dave: Incredibly well. I am so happy with our customers. Lots of really loyal folks and although we have gotten busier and busier, the crowd has generally remained full of cool friendly people.

GP: How has The Diamond changed or grown in the last 5 years?

Dave: The place is generally pretty similar in feel to when we opened. The lighting was awful at the beginning and that improved a lot. Painting was bright too. It feels more like a bar now and less like an apartment. New artwork here and there. Finally we put in a real powerful AC last year.

GP: How has the neighborhood changed? Gotten better or worse?

Dave: I always think we’ll look back on this as a fantastic time in Greenpoint. Lots of new stuff happening, lots of new residents and creative people mixed with old neighborhood. I love it so much. I do think these days are limited what with all the new condos planned etc. If Jersey ever leaves his yard, you’ll know its the nail in the coffin on the neighborhood many of us know and love.

GP: What can we look forward to this weekend?

Dave: Lots of drinking. Tons of unique beers open for free tonight. Fun bartender rivalry on Saturday excellent food Sunday, and a general Diamond family celebratory feeling in the air.

GP: What can we look forward to from The Diamond?

Dave: More of the same. Honestly I am very happy with our role in the neighborhood. Continuing to source great beers and keep that mellow positive vibe.

GP: What is your most memorable Greenpoint moment?

Dave: Leaving the bar with Diamond resident, Bob and his dog Pickles at 2 am in 18″ of snow while still falling and busting that Ford Explorer out all over the hood. Or sitting with Sarah til 5:30 at the bar talking smack at the end of the night.

GP: What is your most memorable moment at The Diamond?

Dave: Our first year some super coked up meatheads erupted when I told them to chill out or leave. Proceeded to go out front and throw our garbage cans in the street and harass all customers walking into the bar.

Or maybe when my wife threw out the guy wearing a diaper who was falling down drunk and 10 min later we saw him run through covert ops to try sneakin back in.

GP: What is your favorite beer?

Dave: Thieriez extra is way up there, kelso satisfaction, two brothers long haul, harviestoun shiehallion. Prize old ale. Can’t pick one.

GP: What will be the best beer to try this weekend?

Dave: Going to be a scorcher! Something snappy and bright. Maybe stillwater premium….a tangy saison we just started serving. Or southern tier hop sun if it goes on by the end of weekend. Whatever you want to try Jenn, i am buying. Cheer to greenpointers!!!!!!!

Here is a list of what’s happening:

Wooden Anniversary: 4 Days of Peace, Love & Customer Appreciation

Friday 7pm: All Bottles Open
Opening 1 bottle of every beer on our list + some anniversary gift bottles from our buddies at B. United. Get here early for Courage Imperial Stout ’93, Schneider Eisbock aged in Pinot Noir Barrels, Thornbridge St. Petersburg Imperial Stout Speyside 06′ and more!

Friday 9pm: Tickling the Ivories
The beloved Steve Northbottom is here. If you were at the ski party this winter, you know how fun this jam will be!

Saturday Evening: Backdraft
Tasty surprise beer sampled on draft in the backyard. The password is “Snuggles”.

Saturday 7pm: Reissdorf Koelsch Kranz Kompetition
Who can pour the best Kranz! Cheer for your favorite bartender. “No yelling” rule will be suspended for 30 minutes. Bi-product is many free glasses of Koelsch.

Sunday 4-8pm: Super Cookout
Sander Travisano presents a smorgasbord including pork shoulder sliders, boiled peanuts, empanadas, and more. Nothing over $5.

Monday 7:30pm: The Shuffleboard $300 Invitational
Watch the best players in Brooklyn face off. 8 teams will enter, 1 will triumph.

T-Shirts & Koozies on Sale Tomorrow!!!

The Diamond Bar
43 Franklin St

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