Look at all the goodness I picked up at the first ever McGolrick Park Farmers Market yesterday! It’s going to be a good week in my kitchen.
If you missed it, it’s every Sunday from 11am-4pm until November on Russell St between Driggs and Nassau. And if you are closer to Cooper Park, there is one there, too!
“I am so excited about this,” Â I overheard a Greenpointer say as she examined the gorgeous bounty. Everyone was buzzing about, finding fresh local treasures.

While the sidewalk on Russell St proved to be a little cramped, it was a great day to bump into neighbors, like artist/terrarium teacher Claire Typaldos, Lincoln Restler, and Joe Lentol and his wife, who live right on Russell St.
Lauren, of Farm to Baby, was hard at work picking up fresh local veggies for her baby food, which she will deliver right to your door.

There were some old faces, like Laena from Anarchy in a Jar, whose delicious jam I first tried at the infamously over Greenpoint Food Market at Lutheran Church of the Messiah.
Some new faces were Steve and Sam from Great Road Farm, a one year young farm they manage down in Princeton, NJ. It was their first day ever selling in a farmers market! He recommended we sautee the Napa Cabbage we picked up with some ground beef. Deal.

Will, of Pie Lady and Son, who makes pies with his Mom up in Nyack, NY was dishing out incredible samples. We picked up a mini Cherry Pie with Walnut Crumble and topped with with fresh sheep ricotta cheese we scored for only $6 from Valley Shepherd Creamery.
We bought delicious fresh strawberries from Garden of Eve, beautiful green kale from J. Glebocki Farms and sweet honey mustard pickles from Horman’s Best Pickles.

Angela, from Mortgage Apple Cakes, was selling her homemade apples cakes, which saved her from foreclosure.
The fresh cheese Ronnybrook Farms was selling was perfect on the olive bread we picked up from Orwashers Bakery, located on the Upper East Side.
A few vendors from the original list we received were not in attendance. I was looking forward to the local honey and Italian sausages, but maybe next week.
It was a dream to have this amazing market just around the corner. And it’s every Sunday until November! I just hope they can move it into the central plaza of McGolrick Park. That space is just perfect for the market. Baby steps…
Such bounty! It’s a wonderful market– some really awesome producers in a great setting. Good work getting the word out!