Some of the best snacks are the healthiest and simplest. Peach season is here so make a peach boats! They are succulent, sweet, savory, crunchy and tangy – basically everything […]
Tag: Food
Fried Pizza: Adelina’s
When I walked into the new wine bar called Adelina’s on Greenpoint Ave for a tasting, two things caught my eye: the back corner of the bar was lined with […]
Soup To Your Door: Sea Bean Goods
Soup? In this heat? Bear with me. Making hot soup or anything on the stove in this weather blows! But if you’re sitting in a freezing cold office building in […]
Recipe: Fava Fava Fava Pasta (VIDEO!)
Fava beans are the most delicious bean to eat, but the biggest pain in the ass to peel. It is a two step process. First you take them out of […]
Kids Gotta Eat: Free Summer Lunch
I remember the first day I learned that white was not a good color for me to wear. I was sitting in PS49 having my free summer lunch and I […]
Adelina’s is open! A look at the menu…
Remember when we introduced you to Toby, who was opening a new “wine on tap” bar and restaurant where the old Gypsy Tavern was. It is open! And he sent […]
The Garden Spot, Week 15
If I’ve learned anything about small scale gardening in the last 15 weeks, its that you really do get what you give. This past weekend I attacked my garden for […]
What’s Happening? (6/27-7/3)
Check the calendar for more events. Submit your own event listing! WEDNESDAY 6/27 * The Big Splash! @ McCarren Park Pool, 7:30-10pm, $150 donation in support of Open Space Alliance […]
Recipe: Braised Cabbage with Turkey
When the Sunday Farmers Market at McGolrick Park was proposed there was worry that it might compete with the Saturday McCarren Park Greenmarket. (Don’t we live in the USA?) I […]