There are more events in our weekly calendar. Submit Greenpoint events, too! WEDNESDAY 1/27 * Look at Yourself, Man @ Videology (308 Bedford Ave) 7pm, $6.27, A selfie workshop for dudes, presented […]
Category: Events
“Nightcap Riot: Mombucha”: Culture and Live Cultures Make for One Heck of a Night Out
When “I can’t feel my face,” refers to the walk from the subway instead of Drake’s oeuvre, you know the deep freeze of mid-January has descended. It’s hard to find […]
A Hearty French Dinner Pops Up at Cooking with Claire
Claire Phelan was working a job in fashion, but she knew all along that she was more Julia Child than Coco Chanel. So eight months ago, she started giving in-home cooking […]
Donut Fest, Cardboard Robot Battle, Unholy Women – What’s happening, Greenpoint? (1/20–1/26)
There are more events in our weekly calendar. Submit Greenpoint events, too! WEDNESDAY 1/20 # Wine & Cheese Tasting @ Adelina’s (159 Greenpoint Ave) 5pm, FREE, Sample Adelina’s wines paired with Eastern District Cheese, […]
A Crafty Saturday at The Shanty Over Whiskey & Waffles
In the land of pairing food with libations, there are wine pairings and beer pairings but whiskey pairings? Apparently, this is considered “outré by many” but as I learned one […]
Movie Night Night at Cafe Grumpy Starts Jan 18! (Sponsored)
Cafe Grumpy is hosting a film screening every Monday night. They will begin on January 18 with their New York Film Series. The feature presentation, accompanied by an animated short, will start rolling at 7:30pm. […]
Bowie Farewell, Improv Fest, Prose Bowl – What’s happening, Greenpoint? (1/13–1/19)
There are more events in our weekly calendar. Submit Greenpoint events, too! WEDNESDAY 1/13 ☺ aLIVE in January @ Muchmore’s (2 Havemeyer St) 7pm, $5–$15, Poetry, performance, and music from Valerie Kuehne, Niina Pollari, […]
Tarantino Brunch, Vertical Travel, Lou Reed Tribute – What’s happening, Greenpoint? (1/06–1/12)
There are more events in our weekly calendar. Submit Greenpoint events, too! WEDNESDAY 1/06 * Twin Peaks Bingo @ Videology (308 Bedford Ave) 9pm, FREE, Gather with fellow Twin Peaks lovers and play […]
New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, and Beyond – What’s happening, Greenpoint? (12/30–1/05)
[sponsored] Fried Chicken & Champagne NYE No. 7 North, 931 Manhattan Ave December 31, 8pm, FREE We are at it again with NYE take 2! Same fun place, same awesome […]
Stay Classy (or Not) and Walk (or Crawl) Home on NYE + Farewell Greenpoint Heights!!
Ready to ring in 2016 in style? Or are you more into a low-key, no frills, one last hurrah before committing to your 2016 resolution? From fancy and fine to lowbrow […]