Congratulations Rachel! You won our giveaway book Jam On: The Craft of Canning Fruit by Laena McCarthy! Thanks to everyone who commented on their favorite jam. And stay tuned for future giveaways […]
Category: Eat & Drink
Recipe: Eggplant Talk
While shopping at the Farmer’s Market, I cannot resist fresh eggplants! There is nothing better than to simply slice and fry an eggplant and eat it, soggy with olive oil, […]
Book Giveaway!!! Jam On: The Craft Of Canning Fruit
I’m sure you have all met the lovely Laena McCarthy while wandering through Sundays’ McGolrick Park Farmers Market and tasted the delicious jams she sells by the name of Anarchy […]
Great White Whale Exists! Ice Cream Donut Sandwich from Peter Pan
It’s something I’d heard rumors about for years, but never knew if it actually existed. Finally, this summer a hand drawn sign appeared in the window of Greenpoint’s own Peter […]
Brooklyn Point Cafe
If there is a place in the hood where I have my food pulse tuned into, it’s the stretch of Manhattan Ave. between Greenpoint Ave. and Java St. Quite the […]
Saturday was the perfect day to engorge ourselves on hot dogs and drink Kelso beer knowing that ALL proceeds are donated to Food Bank for NYC. We tried our best […]
Climbing past the second floor landing of my building, the smell of delicious food is torturous. Bacon. Zucchini. Jalapeños. None for me though. The first room (and smell) that greets […]
Some of the best snacks are the healthiest and simplest. Peach season is here so make a peach boats! They are succulent, sweet, savory, crunchy and tangy – basically everything […]
Fried Pizza: Adelina’s
When I walked into the new wine bar called Adelina’s on Greenpoint Ave for a tasting, two things caught my eye: the back corner of the bar was lined with […]