After almost 50 years in the neighborhood, Greenpoint’s Busy Bee Food Exchange (185 Nassau Ave.) is closing its doors. Busy Bee is a neighborhood grocery store, owned by the Konopka family, that sells Polish specialties, including a variety of fresh bread, pierogi, meat, produce and beer.

Unfortunately, Busy Bee’s business could not rebound fully after the pandemic. A representative at Busy Bee confirmed that the closure of the store is permanent and the company has no plans of opening another location or catering operation in the future.
Busy Bee told Greenpointers that the statement they put out sums up everything: “It is with a heavy heart that we announce that Busy Bee will close its doors by October 28.”

The statement continued, “For over 50 years, Busy Bee has served the Greenpoint community, providing the groceries, deli, and traditional Polish foods that everyone could enjoy. We had our kitchen buzzing when making our homemade foods. Our hearts were lifted when we saw people’s smiles during the holidays… The holiday season was indeed amazing with Nassau Avenue packed with people shopping. We felt that we were an important part of people’s lives – providing the comfort foods which served as a reminder of a far away Poland.”

“We also tried our best to be there when Greenpoint needed us – during hard economic times, before and during hurricanes and snowstorms and most recently Covid. During the height of Covid lockdowns, we could not get most deliveries, so we traveled to our suppliers often several times a day in order to stock our shelves and make sure neighbors could get what they needed.”
“Unfortunately after the pandemic, business has trailed off to the point that we just can’t stay in business anymore,” Busy Bee wrote.
“We have set a tentative closing date of October 28, but this may change depending on stock levels. We thank our loyal customers for the opportunity to have been of service,” Busy Bee concluded.
Busy Bee’s current hours are Monday – Saturday, 6 a.m. to 8:45 p.m. and Sunday 8 a.m. to 6:45 p.m.
I am so sad that you guys are closing. BusyBee is an institution. I wish you all the luck and happiness in your future.
I wonder if that building will become another expensive condo.
Sad to see. I ho there a lot
Typo. I used to go there a lot for cold cuts, milk, coke slaw , macaroni salad and pierrogis.
I worked there in my teen years and had the best time . Tom Goscicki should get a bunch of credit for running the place. He was always friendly to others and I learned so much from him when it comes to hospitality. I worked from 88 to 92 . Great time and met some great friends It was the epicenter of the point I felt. Going to miss it . Great memories
It is more than 50 years – I worked there as a teenager in 1966-7.
Yes TJ. The Busy Bee was opened by the Orski family around 1958. They sold the business in the early 1970s. I also worked there and have many fond memories of those days. Sad to see the business close after almost 65 years! DFO.
When I was new to Greenpoint, caring for my grandson, the ladies behind the counter, who instinctively knew that I didn’t speak Polish and knew nothing about Polish food, introduced me to the incredible kielbasas and smoked meats, and I often took home a six-pack of Polish beer and several links of sausage to make a meal late at night. (A pint of ice cream too, usually.) Their location was halfway between my grandson’s address near McGorlick Park and the apartment I stayed in on Newell Street. It was one of the elements of the neighborhood that convinced me, having lived rural most of my life, that I could enjoy city living. It wouldn’t be the same now.