Greenpoint’s waterfront will be alive this weekend with over 100 artisans, food purveyors and local shops setting up for the first in a series of outdoor markets.
The Greenpoint Terminal Market‘s grand opening is Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the four-acre waterfront lot at 2 Noble St., the same spot where Skyline Drive-in began screening movies earlier this summer.

All vendor’s spaces will be stationed 6 feet apart, and visitors can navigate the area via 6-foot-wide one directional ailes.
Admission is free, and guests and vendors alike are expected to wear face coverings and stick to social distancing guidelines.
The market will open every Saturday and Sunday, according to organizer Lauren Nishi.
“We have so many unique vendors from food vendors (20% food vendors ) to vintage antique vendors,” Nishi said to Greenpointers in an email.
“Our special Greenpoint vendors to name a few are: Wasabi, The wonderful Paintings by Yvoni as well as Pelicana Chicken.”
Socially distanced activities that are planned include a roller disco (with skates available to rent) and a comedy show hosted by Matt Richards along with guests Dave Temple, Rosebud Baker, Ricky Velez, and Nimesh Patel.
“We ask that all guests follow 1-way path markers as well as spacing markers we have implemented in the aisles between our vendor booths,” Nishi said.

With North Brooklyn restaurants and shops closing by the dozens since the start of the coronavirus crisis, the plan is to jump-start local commerce on the weekends. “We decided to start this market because we know everyone is struggling financially due to the pandemic,” she said.
How do I become a vendor
My name is William Walicki
I am a Photographer I produc photo greeting Cards and Prints .
My email adddress is [email protected]
My work can be seen on Flickr .com and Instagram. William_Walicki_ Asphaltnyc pics
I am a photographer I produce Photo Greeting Cards and prints .