D’emploi Studio’s (238 Franklin St.) “No Room For Racism” sign was painted over this week after the building’s landlord expressed disapproval. (Images courtesy of D’emploi Studio)

As the sweltering summer heat rages on this week protests in NYC also heated up when a demonstrator was taken into an unmarked police van in Manhattan. Footage of the woman’s arrest on Tuesday went viral, and the NYPD is accusing the protester of “damaging police cameras during five separate criminal incidents in & around City Hall Park,” NY1 Reports.

With the on-going protests in support of Black Lives Matter sparked by the death of George Floyd, racial justice issues have permeated Greenpoint this year, much like the rest of the city and country. Most-recently, a petition alleging racism at Williamsburg’s PS 132 continues to divide parents.

Debates over racial justice are also affecting local businesses. Following a dispute with their landlord over the “No Room For Racism” mural painted on the door of D’emploi’s 238 Franklin St. studio, the landlord removed the mural this week. D’emploi has raised over $5,000 for social justice initiatives through the sale of t-shirts with the same logo, which was painted on their studio in June.

In other local grievances Greenpoint and Williamsburg are leading the city in Air Quality complaints so far this year, according to analysis of 311 data.

For more news, catch up on the headlines from around the neighborhood so far this week:


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