The volunteer-powered organization North Brooklyn Mutual Aid that formed in response to the corniavirus crisis is now accepting men’s clothing donations in coordination with a local homeless shelter.

NBMA is currently seeking men’s clothes (size large is preferred) to be donated to The Bowery Residents’ Committee Shelter (146 Clay St.) in Greenpoint.

The shelter currently provides resources for 200 men in the North Brooklyn area and clothing donation drop-offs can be arranged by following the instructions here.

Clothing items sought include men’s shirts in size large – 3XL, men’s pants (size Large and above), clean men’s socks and new men’s undergarments.

“We’re glad we can support our neighbors through this clothing drive, and are excited about the support we’ve seen so far from the community,” said NBMA volunteer Caitlin Kawaguchi. “20 people have signed up to donate nearly 200 individual items of clothing, and we’re seeing more sign-ups daily,” she said.

A food scrap composting initiative also recently launched by NBMA has collected 2,700 pounds of scraps since June.

The volunteer organization now counts 800 members as NBMA continues to expand its from its early mission to help deliver PPE to local hospitals and to deliver food and vital supplies to neighbors in need.

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  1. I often post on this paper, the over the top female identity obsessed, ie females are entitled, cannot fend for themselves, must be anointed, men are the problem etc. etc. by the bigoted, sexist pols. from Maloney on down.

    This is a good article but true to my word, don’t go to the other extreme. All poor people need help. Phrase it that way. If you identity obsess you divide and in the end hurt the very people you are trying to help.

    Hillary didn’t learn the lesson. Obama did. She ran as an identity obsessed men are the problem candidate dividing people. Obama ran as an American uniting people not as an angry young black man.

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