Paper Street Real Estate LLC, headquartered in Downtown Manhattan, has come onto the real estate scene in late 2018. Founded by Kamilla Mishiyeva, a local attorney with 5+ years in the legal industry, previously worked as an agent throughout Brooklyn for several years prior to acquiring her legal education.

“ Real estate has always been on the radar for me even as an attorney since I would constantly have exposure to it on transactional side. As a probate lawyer, assisting with the administration of an inheritance is part of my day to day, and most inheritances always have real property involved whether it is a house, an apartment, or a vacant lot.” says Kamilla.

What led her to open up her own brokerage? She tells us “Getting to closing is already stressful enough considering the fact that you are dealing with the mortgage banker, the seller, negotiating on the price, as well as a whole slew of other nuances taking place until you finally get to the point of being handed the keys to your new home. When there is a broker involved who complicates things and acts unprofessionally, which is what happened in my case during my own apartment purchase, I realized any headache from a real estate agent is not only unacceptable but completely unnecessary. After hearing horror stories about other agents and having to deal with a subpar broker on my own, I realized this industry needed a real estate firm that is fast, competent, and relentless in their client-first approach. That’s why I started my firm, Paper Street Real Estate LLC.”

Her firm concentrates on the Financial District and Battery Park City in NYC but also brokers deals for seller’s in Brooklyn.

You can visit their website at along with her probate law firm website at She also operates a bankruptcy practice.

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