Some call it McGolrick Park, while many born and bred locals call it Winthrop Park. So what are you supposed to call it and why does the park have two names anyway? To answer these questions we need to explore the history of the pretty little nine-acre park.

The park was once swampy land on the Kingsland farm. You might have heard of Kingsland Avenue in South Greenpoint, but not know who Ambrose Kingsland was. Well, he was a rich Manhattan sperm whale oil merchant who served as mayor of New York in 1851. What saves him from the so what dustbin of irrelevant figures in history? Well in his two-year term as mayor he started the process of creating Central Park, but back to Greenpoint.

Kingsland had his farmland surveyed and he made a killing selling off parcels of it, but the land where the park sits was a swamp and draining it was too costly so it sat there undeveloped until the year 1889 when State Assemblyman Winthrop Jones spearheaded obtaining a $132,825 appropriation for its purchase. Locals howled about the outrageous price of the swampy land and they groused further because the City of Brooklyn (we were still an independent city then) paid even more for improvements to the park. The site was graded and fitted with a drainage system, and a new lawn was planted. Winthrop Jones died in 1891 and naming the park after the Calyer Street resident seemed like a fitting memorial.

By the end of the decade, Winthrop Park featured paved walks, new trees, shrubs, a shelter building, iron fences, and a novelty in recreation–boxes filled with “sea sand” in which children could play. On Saturdays during the summer, locals gathered to hear band concerts. A playground was also built in 1897, but the park still lacked something to make it truly grand.

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In 1910, that lack of grandeur ended. One of the greatest architects in the history of Brooklyn, Frank Hemle, designed the now-landmarked elegant pavilion that dominates the park. The curved building of brick and limestone featured an elegant wood colonnade, but this was one of only many gems Hemle created. The most recognizable to locals is the Greenpoint Bank for Savings on the corner of Calyer and Manhattan Avenue that imitates the Roman Pantheon. The pantheon is not only landmarked but is also on the National Register of Historic Places.

Greenpoint War Memorial (image courtesy of NYC Parks)
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After World War I famous local Peter McGuinness led a drive to build a war memorial for the 113 locals who died in the Great War. The World War I memorial (1923) near the shelter pavilion was designed by Carl Augustus Heber. The statue depicts a female allegorical figure, holding aloft a modified laurel, a symbol of victory, and in her right hand supporting a large palm frond, a symbol of peace. The granite pedestal is inscribed with the names of battles where locals fought in France.

The other statue in the park is also a result of the efforts of McGuinness, the Monitor and the Merrimac sculpture, which honors the U.S.S Monitor built on Quay Street during the Civil War. The curious sculpture by Antonio de Filippo was commissioned in the 1930s and features somewhat strangely almost nude men struggling with nautical ropes.
In 1941, the park was renamed for the pastor of St. Cecelia’s parish, Fr. Edward McGolrick who was pastor of the church for 50 years and made herculean efforts to feed hungry locals during the great depression. Evidently, the name change was not popular amongst all and many still called the area Winthrop Park.
The park became dangerous in the 1970s and suffered a lot of damage, but the park was eventually restored. In 1987, Parks Department workers removed graffiti, weeds, and debris; repaired and painted benches, play equipment, and fences; and repaved asphalt walks, beautifying the park.

A similar renovation occurred to the playground in 1997. Today the park hosts a farmer’s market, concerts, and other events. Its stately London Plane trees provide shade to families escaping into the park. Whatever you call it, the park is a local gem and a green oasis all Greenpointers treasure.
We always went to Winthrop park to take pictures of special events, communion,graduations, getting dressed up for Easter. I still have those old photos.
That park was my back yard for over 20 years. It has a special place in my heart. Always was called Winthrop Park
Still Winthrop no matter what
Should be officially renamed Winthrop Park.
Should have mentioned most recent playground renovation that was recently completed…..as depicted in last picture.
Please, for all to see, clarify how you pronounce the current name of the park. So many people say “McGorlick” … The name does not end with “LICK” it ends with “RICK”. MC GOL RICK maybe changing it back to Winthrop would be easier than getting people to say McGolrick correctly.
M Gol Rik
Two things I’ve always wondered about:
It seems very unusual for Victorians to name something in someone’s honor, but use their first name, as was done with Mr. Jones and his park.
I’ve never understood why locals are so attached to an 80 year-old former name, given that Jones seems to have been controversial at best and Fr. McGolrick was a beloved figure in the community for 50 years.
Good points Greg. People get used to things. The name Winthrop stuck and locals did not want to change.
I read that there was another park named after him called Jones Park so the first name was used.
The Original name was Winthrop Park.
Greg, if everyone decided to all of a sudden call you Sausage Boy, for instance, would you like that. They decide to call B’klyn, Queens South.
It’s Winthrop Park, Always will be.
I grew up in the big red house on the corner of Monitor and Nassau. Winthrop Park was my playground. The local kids would climb all over those statues and there were trees on the Russel St side that were perfect for climbing. What great memories !
I played in this park as a baby in second grade this was our walk to St. Cecelia’s school at 9 years old this is where we would meet our friends to play at 13 it’s where we hung out and meet kids from different area’s of Greenpoint I continued to hang out in this park through out my young life .. Needless to say WINTROP park holds a life time of precious memories for me
Hung out there most of the “dangerous 70s”. Many great memories of good times with friends that have passed on! It will always be Winthrop to me!
We lived on Diamond St a few blocks from Winthrop Park My mom would take me to the Park when I was 5 or 6. It was a delightful place where mom would meet neighbors or make friends with other moms. Across the way used to be a movie theater and a supermarket, A&P I believe. The grammar school I went to was St. Cecilia’s.
I lived in Greenpoint on Oakland Street and Played in McCarren Park and later on I went to High School in Ozone Park back then…. I now live in the South which I enjoy so much but I have so many fond memories of Greenpoint, Brooklyn