A two-month public comment period is now open for you to submit feedback on the proposed cleanup of the NuHart Plastics Superfund site, where two large plumes of phthalates and trichloroethylene (amongst a cauldron of other toxins) remain in the soil and groundwater at 280 Franklin Street from vinyl plastics manufatcuring dating back to the mid-20th century.

You can access and download the full report (PDF) from the Dept. of Environmental Conservation remediation database.

The lots that compose the NuHart Plastics building at Dupont, Franklin and Clay Streets.

The operators of NuHart Plastics vacated the site in 2004 leaving behind toxins in 12 leaky underground storage tanks and two aboveground silos. Over the years the gooey liquid phthalates mixed with groundwater and migrated toward the Greenpoint Playground and the adjacent lot where a potential school is planned, conveniently stopping at the playground’s edge on Franklin St.

The phthalates plume located at the NuHart Plastics site.

The Greenpoint Playground on Franklin Street across from NuHart Plastics.

The vaporous TCE plume (the smaller yellow circle in the image below) has migrated in the direction of Clay and Commercial Streets and plans are in place to minimize further migration during cleanup to protect nearby residents from vapor exposure.

The phthalates plume (left) and TCE plume (right)

The proposed cleanup plan at a glance:

  • Approximately 22,500 cubic yards of soil is to be excavated, of which 6,600 cubic yards is estimated to be hazardous waste to be trucked away for off-site disposal.
  • Clean soil and fill will be brought in as needed.
  • A physical barrier installed around the entire perimeter of the excavation area down to approximately 30 feet below the surface.
  • Installation of a physical barrier to prevent the migration of liquid phthalates and contaminated groundwater at the southwest border of the site.
  • Recovery wells and/or trenches located off-site to recover contaminated groundwater from the subsurface: The number and depth of the recovery wells will be finalized during the design phase of the plan.
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) will be removed from the groundwater and soil through the injection of air into the subsurface, where a soil vapor extraction system is to be installed. A vacuum to remove the VOCs will treat the air as necessary before it’s released to the atmosphere.
  • On-site and off-site buildings affected by the migrating toxins will require a sub-slab depressurization system to prevent vapor intrusion.
  • A monitoring plan to measure the contaminate levels in the soil and groundwater.

The proposed cleanup plan for NuHart Plastics is open through Nov. 19 for public comment.  Comments can be submitted to:

Bryan Won

Email: [email protected]

Mailing address:

NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Environmental Remediation

One Hunters Point Plaza 47-40 21st Street

Long Island City, NY 11101



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