As L-Pocalypse draws near, the DOT sees bike lanes as one way to offset the crush of commuters on the G and J/M/Z lines. With that goal in mind, the agency will begin upgrading Williamsburg’s existing bike lanes this summer.
Work will take place between on Union and Morgan Avenues. The DOT will create a new lane, shared between bikes and cars, on Union Avenue between North 11th and Meeker. A dedicated bike lane will continue along Union from Meeker to Broadway.
From Union Avenue, going west towards the waterfront, the DOT will add will add bike lanes to North 5th, 6th, 11th and 12th streets.
In East Williamsburg, the DOT will upgrade Morgan Avenue between Grand and Johnson Street, adding curbside bike lanes in both directions.
According to the DOT, the plan will address street safety conditions in North Brooklyn, as well as help prepare the community for L-pocalypse. The agency plans to have the updates installed in time for the April 2019 shutdown.