L train shutdown meeting flyer

This Wednesday evening, May 16th from 6:30-8:30pm the MTA and NYC DOT are hosting a town hall to discuss L-Train shutdown plans and the impact that the closure will have on our commutes and local businesses. Part of the plan includes increasing the number of cars on the ever-short G Train (it’s about time!), increasing ferry service, adding a few hundred buses to traverse the Williamsburg Bridge, and expanding bicycle access. Wednesday’s meeting will be held at Progress High School (850 Grand Street at Bushwick Ave).

More info can be found on the L Train Coalition’s site.

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  1. Kinda reminds me of what happened at the Alamo. The defenders did everything they could and delayed the end but got slaughtered anyway.

    Kinda like what is gonna happen here.

    The greed of the developers and the desire for new people to live in a trendy area has finally reached the boiling point, ie infrastructure capacity, breakdowns etc.

    You can only fit so many people, buildings in a given piece of land.

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