Beer Books - a great gift for those who like to imbibeGot a beer lover on your gift list? Maybe you need a beer after all your seasonal schlepping? Even if your reason is simply beer = good,  2018 Upper Brooklyn Beer BookLower Brooklyn Beer Book and Queens Beer Book are out and ready to get you… er, back into the holiday spirit.

The Beer Books are not just a steal that more than pays for themselves, they’re a guide to the discovery of new beer purveyors throughout Brooklyn and Queens. The books are $30 each and contain 30 coupons for a free beer at 30 different bars. That’s a lot of free beer!

Plus, do we need to mention the holidays are arriving and you may want to buy an awesome gift (Beer Books!) for that special someone in your life?

Let’s agree that to get a decent beer, at a decent establishment, you’re gonna spend at least $5 for drafts, even during happy hour. Not so, if you’ve got a Beer Book. You’ll save enough money using your Beer Book coupons to buy the rest of the gifts on your holiday list.

The Beer Books go fast, so buy yours today for an immediate bar knowledge boost. Shop now.

Warning: You may become low-key obsessed with your Beer Books and find yourself bringing them everywhere with you, rescheduling your social life so you can drink at Beer Book bars. Or so we’ve heard.

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