Write Brooklyn
988 Manhattan Ave

Charles Bukowski once said, “writing about a writer’s block is better than not writing at all.” For the writerly types, writers block is no joke, but chances are you’d like to tell the world about something more compelling than writers block. If you often put pen to paper or hands to keyboard to hone your craft but could use a little guidance and structure to help complete a project, this workshop series might be for you. Local writers group WriteBrooklyn is launching workshops in Greenpoint next month, at 988 Manhattan Ave—an elegantly designed creative space. The 8-week workshops are taught by experienced filmmakers, writers and poets, range from Screenplays to Nonfiction, Poetry and Fiction, and meet on designated evenings. Each of the workshops will set you back $450, but they’ve made room for two scholarships per workshop (which means the lucky recipients attend for free). Check out the list of workshops and instructors here.

988 Manhattan Ave.
988 Manhattan Ave.

From WriteBrooklyn:

Everyone has a story to tell. Whether through poetry, prose or screenplay, WriteBrooklyn is all about getting that story on the page. Starting late August, Write Brooklyn is launching intensive, egalitarian workshops, in a beautifully designed Greenpoint loft on Manhattan Avenue.  

Instructors include award-winning poet Michael Homolka, Canadian filmmaker Elizabeth Rose, literary agent Christopher Hermelin, young adult novelist Kheryn Callender, and fiction writer Tess Crain. According to founder Morgan Pile, each workshop leader brings to the fray, “not only a unique pedagogy when it comes to craft, but a natural ability to garner a camaraderie among peers, despite or because of disparate literary perspectives.”

Unlike other workshops in the city, WriteBrooklyn classes are held in a creative space that is constantly evolving, its staff is lean, and the experience deeply personal. Its mission is as much a statement as a rally cry: “We meet in inspiring spaces, come with open minds, deliver precise, considered feedback, hold ourselves accountable, practice kindness, persistence, passion and intention. We work hard. We tell the truth. We don’t compare ourselves, except to our heroes.”

As part of WriteBrooklyn’s commitment to supporting writings at all phases of their career, the workshops provides full scholarship for two participants in every twelve-person class.

Anyone can apply.

 In addition to a launch party that will be announced later this summer, WriteBrooklyn plans to host a series of readings, showcasing the talents of local writers in venues throughout Brooklyn. Those interested in attending are welcome to check the website for the latest updates.

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