Chelsea March, by Chris Moran
Chelsea March, by Chris Moran

Greenpoint-based photographer Chris Moran shot his latest project at the launch party for Greenpoint Open Studios, using a black and white film and a double exposure technique to combine portraits with scenes around the neighborhood. Having been an action and sports photographer in California for a decade, he relocated to our ‘hood about a year ago.

Chris says: “I just wanted to trip people out that these crazy looking images were all made in a 35mm film camera with one lens. No post production. I feel like today people are so quick to edit and alter their images, it’s nice just to do it all in camera for once. For example, when someone throws a filter on their photo, do they know where the word filter comes from? Buying a physical filter, putting it on your lens, and then creating images, feels so much more real, and looks better too. People have been making double exposures for years, and there’s more then a few ways to do it. While all my commercial work is digital, it’s nice to keep some of my personal work tangible.

Omar Glenn, by Chris Moran
Omar Glenn, by Chris Moran
Ventiko, by Chris Moran
Ventiko, by Chris Moran
Silva Basilio, by Chris Moran
Silva Basilio, by Chris Moran
by Chris Moran
by Chris Moran
by Chris Moran
DJ, by Chris Moran
DJ, by Chris Moran
Becky Wong, by Chris Moran
Becky Wong, by Chris Moran

You can check out more of the images from this series here.

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