McCarren Park dusted with snow last weekend. Photo: Megan Penmann
McCarren Park dusted with snow last weekend. Photo: Megan Penmann

In case you missed it, an illustrated image of Putin/Trump embracing was projected onto a building on North 6th Street this week.

Police are investigating after an apartment building with mostly Hasidic residents in Williamsburg was vandalized with swastika graffiti.

Hurrah! Community Board 1 will now be livestreaming their lengthy meetings! Here’s the meeting from earlier this week, which runs almost four hours.

Greenpoint’s Magick City (37 Box St.) hosted a tattoo event to benefit Planned Parenthood last week, which got completely booked up, drawing crowds from all around the city.

Applications for affordable housing ($596 for a studio!) at the Domino Sugar Factory reached a whopping 87k—only 104 are available, with half designated to go to residents of CB1.

Will makeup giant Sephora be coming to Williamsburg? It’d probably look right at home next to the Apple Store, Levis Store and Whole Foods.

Following two pedestrian deaths, neighbors are speaking up about making Grand Street a safer place to walk.

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