This time last year, I was slathering on cortisol creams to battle my eczema and having heart palpitations. I almost always ate out or ordered in. I felt exhausted. Today my skin is glowing and I am full of energy without my usual caffeine fix. My day started with a tasty breakfast that I made, journaling, and setting an intention to meditate on. It’s part of the daily practices that I’ve been working on with holistic wellness coach Jaquy Yngvason to build healthy habits that are as routine as brushing my teeth in the morning. Gone are the days when I would pick up a can of tuna fish and potato chips on the go to save time. I now enjoy every meal. I love cooking and savor simple snacks like freshly roasted carrots in coconut oil. Discovering things like how black beans and dates can make up the most deliciously moist protein-packed brownie is as exciting to me as my new favorite local Greenpoint haunt. And after seeing a lifelong autoimmune skin disease go away, I’ve become a big believer in the power of food.

That’s why I am super thrilled that Jaquy will be coming to Greenpoint to host a workshop this Saturday (2/18) in one of my favorite neighborhood spots, Maha Rose (97 Green St). It’s still the start of 2017 and a good time to set the tone for the rest of the year with self care and love!

More about Conscious Consumption EATShop:

Do you struggle to feel confident in your own skin? Are you constantly dieting and want to ditch those extra pounds?

In attending this EATshop you will walk away with tangible tools so you can feel empowered and gain a new perspective on how to self heal through food. You will learn how to create a daily sacred practice on how to consume consciously, allowing you to eat every meal from a place of joy, love and presence.

Are you ready to eat the food you love without fear? Feel radiant in your body and confident in your own skin?

Join this Saturday for Conscious Consumption with Jaquy!
Read more and sign up online at Maha Rose.

About Jaquy Yngvason:
Jaquy is a half Iceland, half Ecuadorean, Energy Healer and Holistic Wellness coach with Shamanic ties deeply rooted in her bloodline. She works with clients all around the world and specializes in a unique eating practice that transforms the mind, spirit, and body so that it can heal itself from trauma, pain and suffering. Currently she resides in Brooklyn and coaches clients to be conscious consumers, taking a whole being approach to helping others reach their highest potential to shine their brightest and connect to their spirit guides. She is on a mission to change the world, one conscious bite at a time.

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