Greenpoint watertower sunset. Photo: Megan Penmann
Greenpoint watertower sunset. Photo: Megan Penmann

A protest at Greenpoint’s 94th Precinct this week made headlines following Captain Peter Rose’s statements to the press about rape cases. The protest happened despite his formal apology via Twitter. The National Organization For Women has requested a meeting with the police commissioner to discuss sytem-wide reforms.

There’s a new development going up next to Transmitter Park, and local residents are not excited about the building’s lobby overlooking the park. Residents voiced their dissent at a Community Board meeting this week about the zoning amendment which would allow the proposed construction to take place. The issue now goes up before the City Planning Commission and then to City Hall.

The renovated Kosciuszko Bridge might actually open sooner than originally planned. The project, which started in late 2014, has been regularly clogging up neighborhood traffic leading onto the BQE. A Department of Transportation spokeswoman says that the “main span will be completed and all traffic in both directions will be shifted onto it in early spring.” Hallelujah!

The Three Kings Day Parade rolled down Graham Avenue for the 20th year in a row last weekend.

A Bernie Sanders film fest is coming to East Williamsburg. Submissions are currently being accepted.

This quote from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire seems appropriate in the wake of last year’s election and the inauguration next weekend. “Dark and difficult times lie ahead. Soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy.” A Harry Potter themed pasta restaurant in Williamsburg just opened. Seems a bit of an odd mashup, but might as well I guess?

Deep fried burrata in Greenpoint. That’s all you really need to know.

Traffic safety is again a hot button issue all over North Brooklyn, after an elderly man was killed on Grand Street this past week, and a four-year-old boy was struck by a truck near McGolrick Park (the boy is ok! phew.).

Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker. Don’t be tempted by the candyman.

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