Yes, today may be Cinco de Meow-o, but this Saturday it’s Derby Day, and some of our finest neighborhood establishments are inviting you to dress in your most splendid Derby attire, celebrate and get yo’ mint julep on.
Humboldt & Jackson — 434 Humboldt St.
120″ projection screen, complimentary cheese & charcuterie, Kentucky-style drink specials
RSVP at [email protected]
Pete’s Candy Store — 709 Lorimer St.
–Ladies Millinery Competition, in which women compete with hand-made hats for the favor of our judge, Rabbi Chaim Architeuthis, who will administer capital rewards.
-Bluegrass Blue-Plate Special, featuring the elegant trifecta of Bourbon Ribs, Louisville Potato Salad, Cornbread (and of course, Pecan Pie for after…)
-Pete’s Paddock, being a collegial corral of horse-sense and statistical merits, arrayed for the edification of the lumpen masses.
-The Hooker’s Handicapp, a vulgar display of opinionated drivel.
-The beloved Idiot Stakes, in which a dollar to win-out amongst losers.
-…and, of course, Parimutuel Distractions, to help us shed the pain of this moribund life itself, if only for a moment.
The Moonlight Mile — 200 Franklin St.
Derby is showing on the big screen, Mint Juleps served. Raffles, prizes for the best hat for the ladies and drink specials. Limited edition Derby at The Mile t-shirts.
Whiskey Burger — 1025 Manhattan Ave.
Mint Juleps, sweet tea, Best Dressed Award (wins dinner for two), games of chance, $1 wings!
Mable’s Smokehouse — 44 Berry St.
Derby attire encouraged. $7 Old Forester mint juleps, derby pie, friendly wagering for races all day (not just the Derby race), and of course authentic Southern BBQ
Maison Premiere — 298 Bedford Ave.
Live music, live broadcast of the race, chef’s derby specials.
And Mint Juleps!
Shayz Lounge — 130 Franklin St.
6:43pm for the race
Watch the entire race with audio on, they’ll be serving up mint juleps all day and night.