Weird to think that all that white stuff on the ground is half melted less than a week later, but here’s the low-down on that $200/night igloo that you’ve probably seen retweeted ad nauseum all week. The most surprising thing about all of this is that AirBnB has other igloos around the world that are up to code.
In other news of Winter Storm Jonas Exceptionalism: this woman skied from McCarren to Central Park. How many miles did you log on your Netflix Fitbit?
Here’s a fun look inside a Greenpoint cartoonist’s studio, or the modern-day Little Mermaid cave of our great borough’s treasures.
Fire up your texting thumbs: there’s a new food delivery service in town for the “on-demand consumer,” and it’s touting all kinds of goods (such as food and alcohol pairings and made-to-order sushi).
What kind of chili is stewing in the back of the Greenpoint hivemind? Here’s a recap of last week’s Chili Cookoff.
New highs are being scaled in the world of residential property values in Greenpoint. Last week, we breached the $100 million mark.
A former Peter Pan Donuts employee is suing the business for failing to furnish him with overtime pay, but you’ll probably read this for the doughnut puns.
Two assailants violently beat a couple in the Greenpoint Ave station around 4 a.m. on January 17. It’s unclear whether the attackers knew each other or not.
Even more grim: two dead bodies were pulled from the East River on Wednesday morning in Williamsburg.