Hey, hey Greenpoint! We’re already three weeks into 2015 and a lot has gone down,  some of it good, some of it ugly, and some of it downright funny. In the spirit of community, Greenpointers is happy to announce the addition of Word on the Curb—the latest source of juicy gossip lifted off the street and out of your lips.

So without further adieu, let’s tackle some issues plaguing Greenpointers these days:   

Doggonit! Fluffy gets ticketed at Barge Park

The boys in blue at the 94th Precinct have been busy bees these days. One Greenpointer, a Miss Nora Woolley chimed in on a Gothamist post about a “quality of life” ticketing blitz crashing over the city these days. According to Woolley, who frequently tosses around tennis balls with her pooch around the RV-festooned Newtown Barge Park, said she was approached by three officers exiting their car on a brisk Saturday morning, this January 10th.

In her words, this is what officers said,  “I hate to do this, my sergeant got a call, someone complained about the dog. There is supposed to be a football game here now and they can’t play until the dog is gone. License please. Ticket no more than $5-10.”

In the back of their warm car, undoubtedly perfumed with the smells of hot coffee and chocolate frosted doughnuts, they issued Ms. Woolley a pink court summons of an undetermined fine for “disobeying park signs”, stating no dogs are allowed in the park.

After shoving the ticket where the sun doesn’t shine, Ms. Woolley’s husband inquired about the football game to which the second officer replied, “Huh? What football game?”

The Woolley’s day in court (yes, the summons came without a mail-in guilty plea) comes in March. The expected fine will be in the range of $25-100. Ouch!

Brazen burglers hit up several apartments in daytime robbery.

Hot off the presses from Greenpointers news desk.  A concerned resident wrote in to tell us:

Heads up several forced entries on Norman Ave near McGuinness while at work today around 1pm in broad daylight. Our apt was broken into and trashed, stealing laptops and other high ticket items. While the cops were here, there was another attempted break-in, and one other burglary was reported down the block.  Get renters insurance (luckily we have!) and double check your locks!

Whoops the MTA has done it again…

Well, this city keeps getting more pricey. If getting your rents jacked up, or your place ransacked wasn’t enough, the MTA wants to officially pickpocket your wallet once again.

Starting in March, the price of a single trip on the old subway or bus will cost you .25 cents more, or a whopping $2.75 per ride. On Thursday, the MTA voted for a 10% fare hike on subway and bus fares, and a 4% to 10% fare increase on bridges and tolls depending on whether you use EZ-Pass or cash.

Kind of makes you wonder what will be the percentage increase on the MTA execs Christmas bonus checks come next December. Geez, with gas prices at their lowest in years, it might actually be cheaper to drive to work.

So listen up Greenpointers, let’s get those lips smacking: If you’ve got tips to pass on, your missing Muffy to find, or any other noted neighborhood gossip worth sharing, send it over to [email protected]!   

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  1. Scent of coffee and chocolate frosted doughnuts? Why must every police related piece include snide remarks like this. Can anyone be impartial?

  2. Maybe they shouldn’t let people sell drugs outside of Carmine’s and there wouldn’t be breakins down the street.

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