There’s a very cool-sounding event happening Sunday at Trash Bar (256 Grand Street). It’s called The Lottery Show, and what that means is more than a dozen local bands will be combining their members to create five all-new bands. In advance of the show, members these bands all gathered, threw their names in a hat, and drew to come up with brand new acts. The bands will be making music together specifically for the event to play sets of roughly 20 to 25 minutes of original stuff.

I think this is a fantastic idea and speaks to the highly collaborative and participatory nature of the music community in our area. Most musicians I know are always helping each other out, whether it is sharing bills or assisting with recording. The Lottery Show takes it to the next level, and it would not surprise me if many of the participants came away with insights for their own projects.

But let’s not overlook the fun factor here. It just sounds like a good time. The event lasts from 5:30 PM to midnight. It costs $7. More details here.

Here is the line-up, with the source bands.

1st – Psych Psweat (featuring members of Crazy Pills, Orca Age, The Planes, The Rich Wolves)

2nd – The Hut (featuring members of pow wow!, Crazy Pills, Family Circus)

3rd- Princesses of Wroth (featuring members of The Mad Doctors, All Forces, My Teenage Stride, Eastern Hollows, Lazy Eyes)

4th – Fake Cops (Real Trouble) (featuring members of The Teen Age, LIBEL, The Jaguar Club, Mount Sharp, Jesse Rifkin)

5th – Scallops (featuring members of Sunset Guns, Paper Fleet, The Mad Doctors, pow wow!, HEAVEN, The Jaguar Club)

Here is a list of the participants:

Also, the show is scheduled to end with a HOOTENANNY!, which means, “Audience participation encouraged; bring stuff like cowbells, harmonicas, nose flutes, whatever.” So you, dear readers, can get in on the action too. Exciting!

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