Ed Raven with Special Guest Ancestor of Dirck the Norseman

We were excited to attend the Grand Opening reception of Dirck the Norseman this past Thursday and try the in house beer brewed by Erik Olsen and Chris Prout under the name Greenpoint Beer and Ale Co. Unsurprisingly, Mayor DiBlasio didn’t make an appearance, but Brooklyn Deputy President Diana Reyna did attend and enjoyed the brews, which we all agreed are impressive – especially for the duos first run. You’ll have to try and let us know what you think.

Highlights of the day included a surprise guest Linda Fulkerson – an ancestor of the first European settler of Greenpoint Dirck the Norseman – who traveled all the way from Kentucky, along with her 8 home schooled kids, and gave a lengthy presentation about her own genealogy along with laminated photos of other notable Dirck ancestors and what sounded like blessings from God (whoever that is.) 

This was followed by an even more illustrious self-described “Oscar” like speech by owner Ed Raven who made sure to keep it real and let everyone know he opened the brewery to “make money and make beer.” The icing on the cake was when he pointed up the block to another notable brewery calling it a “death star that he was going to take down.” It was quite a show, as personally promised by Ed. The curtains finally came down to reveal a gorgeous brewery.

Needless to say, we love Dirck the Norseman (7 No. 15th St at Franklin St) and the entire Brouwerij Lane staff, who loyally stuck by Ed to make it all happen. We are looking forward to warm days, rolled up garage doors, sunsets over Bushwick Inlet, chicken schnitzel, Tupelo honey brew and all the shenanigans of this close to our heart beer family.

Check out the below video shot by Johnny Cirillo.

Written by Jen G
Video by Johnny C

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