A great Greenpoint gallery called Calico Brooklyn opened this past year and contributed 10 amazing art shows that represented over 50 local artists in our art community. It was a lot of fun to go to the shows, see inspiring work, mingle with talented people and drink free beer. But organizing and installing art shows isn’t free and the first season was funded out of pocket by gallerist Scott Chasse, who also organized the Greenpoint Gallery night.

This gentleman is contributing a lot of his time and resources for the art culture in our neighborhood. For season 2, which will begin in September, with plans to produce another 10 shows, he is asking for the community to help him raise $5000. He has already raised $4,200 and has 1 day to go. Help get him to his goal and look forward to some really fun Friday art nights.

There are tons of great “perks” for donating, but I do recommend donating at the $250 level because you will receive an original piece of artwork by artists who have kindly donated their work to the gallery’s fundraiser who normally sell it for way more money. That’s not a donation – thats an investment in artwork!

Donate to Calico’s Indigogo Campaign. There is only 1 day left!

Support local art, Greenpoint!

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