Many readers have been very concerned about the proposed Greenpoint Landing development on the waterfront. But you can’t just worry about it now –  then complain about it later. As Greenpointers, this is our neighborhood and we have to take responsibility for the vision and future plan of what Greenpoint can and will become.

Get active!

Join GWAPP & NAG for a Special Community Workshop on the Greenpoint Landing & 77 Commercial Street Developments on Thursday June 27th, 2013 at 6:30-8pm at the Newtown Creek Visitor Center (329 Greenpoint Ave). This event is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLICRSVP

Are you like a lot of people wondering what ULURP means? It stands for Uniform Land Use Review Procedure, which is a standardized procedure whereby applications affecting the land use of the city would be publicly reviewed. In a nutshell, if you’re building something in the city, it needs to go through ULURP for public review and approval.

As a community, we will discuss what is “as-of-right” (per the 2005 Waterfront Rezoning) and what is still negotiable as these two developments approach certification and “ULURP” approval.

This is an opportunity to share ideas about what’s at stake, what we might gain in the ULURP process and how to prioritize our negotiating position.

Representatives from Greenpoint Landing will be making a brief presentation to familiarize everyone with the aspects of the project coming up for ULURP approval. The Center for Urban Pedagogy will be leading a workshop on how the ULURP process works.

Take advantage of this chance to get expert insight into the civic mechanism that is, typically, the last opportunity for the community to have input on impending development.

Special thanks to CUP and Greenpointers.

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