My favorite thing to do is drink and well, my favorite thing to do at a bar while I’m drinking is play darts.
I’ve been contacted by someone who runs dart leagues mostly in Bay Ridge as well as Downtown and Flatbush about possibly helping me get an official dart league started in the Greenpoint / Williamsburg area!
He’s asked me to get a list of bars in the area with dart boards and although I have a few in mind I’d like to get as many as possible so here I am asking for readers, bar owners and patrons to get in touch with me if you’re interested in being in a weekly dart league.
Any bars that maybe don’t have a dart board but would be interested in getting one to participate in a league – you’re welcome, too. It’s a good thing to get involved in considering the league night would likely be during the week on a night when you might not be as busy, it can bring in some extra boozers. Always a plus for business, no?
Feel free to comment or email me a greenpointers (at) gmail (dot) com and/or repost on your blog. The more people who hear about it, the better the chances to get it off the ground. Thanks!
Mark bar has one board. it’s in a strange place for competitive darts.