Travel can plan a major role in shaping one’s life, and, in William Norton’s case, also their art. Norton is a longtime New Yorker whose upbringing in Japan continues to influence his work. Mount Fuji continues to mesmerize tourists and artists, and Norton gives the mountain stirring life in his various artistic pieces now on display at PeepShow Space Redux, which officially opens with Norton’s solo show “Goddess” on Saturday at 37 North 15th Street, #108.

Curated by Wade Bonds, the exhibition draws inspiration from the mythology of Mount Fuji and the ethereal beauty of Japanese aesthetics as seen through Western eyes, reminding us that the world is better when in balance. Below, Norton talks about his work, and the exhibition will be open weekends from 12-6 pm and by appointment through March 29.

Greenpointers: Hello! Talk to us about the fun name that is, and history of, PeepShow Space Redux. Do you run the space?

William Norton: Yes, I run the space. During lockdown I was given a ground floor space that had a big storefront window and doors. Since people were concerned about crowds I felt that even when the gallery wasn’t open people could “peep” in. I ran 15 exhibitions there and people did come inside. (It’s also personally fun as in the 80’s Channel 7 News declared me NYC’s #1 Stripper but that’s another story.) Now, in the same building, just a different space, I’m doing it again 

“Goddess” is a solo show and a blending of cultures. Can you share what that means?

I was raised in a military family. I spent three of my formative years growing up in Japan and looking at Fujiyama every day. My entire art soul was developed between the ages of 8-10 by Japanese culture. So I’m expressing the soul of Japanese art through my Western (Gaijin) sensibilities.

Does a sense of being itinerant influence your work?

I’ve never had a stable history, in fact I had four high schools because the family moved so often. My last two years of high school were spent in Izmir, Turkey.

I’ve always been an outsider even here, where I’ve lived since 1976.

Is there anything you hope viewers experience while witnessing your work?

I want viewers to come away with an understanding of the beauty of the power in Mount Fuji. And for them to understand there’s more outside the States than Americans tend to touch. If we can all understand there’s so much to learn from other cultures we can grow, expand and not hate what we don’t know.

Wade Bonds curated that show; can you discuss how you two came into each others’ orbit?

Wade Bonds I met through the artist and critic William Corwin. In the last months of the original PeepShow I was inviting in outside curators to expand the gallery’s vision. Wade was the last curator in the gallery. He then curated my solo show at the Boiler191 in Greenpoint.

Anything else to add?

I believe America is running down a path of self imposed blindness as to the beauty of our fellow humans. Black, brown, gay, straight, etc we all have value and histories we need to learn from.

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