Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, actually it is a bird — a hawk to be exact. A hawk was found at Driggs Avenue and North 11th Street, perched on the one-way sign. The hawk flew to the sidewalk and began walking into oncoming traffic. 

Thankfully, Rob Mastrianni was able to save the fledgling red-tailed hawk. In an Instagram post, Mastrianni wrote about how luckily the traffic stopped, and when it did, he used his leather jacket to grab it.

Rob Mastrianni holding the fledging red-tailed hawk courtesy of Katie English (@englishcantwait) Credit: Katie English (@englishcantwait)

“It was an adrenaline rush!” Mastrianni exclaimed in the same Instagram post.

Rob Mastrianni is a New York City-based musician and park ranger. The park ranger/musician was on his day off before the rescue occurred.

Rob Mastrianni holds out the wing of a fledgling red-tailed hawk courtesy of Katie English (@englishcantwait) Credit: Katie English (@englishcantwait)

Mastrianni lets people know in his Instagram post that the red-tailed hawk is going to be checked by Wildlife in Need of Rescue & Rehabilitation (WINORR) and hopefully the fledgling can be reunited with its family again soon.

Greenpoint seems to be turning into a real hotspot for wildlife these days, with random appearances from possums in bars, and beavers in Domino Park.

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